
I totally agree. I’ve confessed things on SNS that I have never told my family or close friends and I’ve gotten amazing advice and just have overall a had a lot of fun. I’ve only been here for about a year and a half but its been amazing. It would be devastating to watch Jez slowly die.

Yeah its really annoying I want to see every side of the converstation

Replying to myself since you can’t edit. I appreciate everyone who has shared their thoughts and I am glad to see I am not the only one who has noticed this but sad to see that the community here is slowly dying. I feel like in order to reverse the trend Jez needs to do a few things. 1) fix Kinja (go back to the old

I’ve been reading the root more often and doing a little commenting. I like it there but it doesn’t have the same funny feminist vibe that Jez used to have.

I understand that. I’ve been grey for over a year and I still don’t understand how one gets ungreyed

I noticed the change but I thought it was a temporary glitch of some sort. Agree the trolls can get bad.

I don’t think so but idk. I’ve been commenting pretty regularly for about a year and a half and I’m still grey. I think they are supposed to prevent trolls but at the same time it seems like a lot of people never get ungreyed 

Yeah its been going up way to late. I wish they would put it up about 8 or so. maybe even earlier 

No that makes sense. I’ve noticed that I wasn’t seeing as many black comments when I was in the grey’s but I thought it was just me. Is this another Kinja glitch or was it intentional?

What makes you think that? I would think a blog type site like these needs community engagement in order to survive.

Didn’t know about the bannings. Was that recent? I know the grey’s have always been a problem but Jez and seen worse trolls and there wasn’t this same drop in participation.

Nope not just you. I started noticing it 2-3 weeks ago. There are a lot of old commentors I don’t see any more and SNS has been a ghost town. I’m just not sure what happend.

Somehow I doubt that will ever happen. They have had so many chances and have created so many terrible movies.

Hopefully! But I do like this school so i would be happy there I just don’t want to make a choice without hearing from school #2

Got my first offer for a teaching job! I have until Monday to decide this was my third favorite out of 7 so good but I am really hoping that my #1 makes an offer.

Does Jezebel seem kinda dead lately to anyone else?

I feel like every American airline is competing in a race to the bottom. United is currently in the lead but the rest are not too far behind. Like for real southwest how hard is it to get a flight in the air on time.

I’ve never had an issue on St. Patricks day. I spent last year in Dublin and this year at my very Irish Catholic college in Mass. On the other hand, I avoid South Boston like the plague any day of the week so I’m not seeing the worst people and I’m not usually pinged as black on the first glance so I probably don’t

If this was anyone but Chris Brown it would be one of my favorite videos of the year. And fuck him for having such a catchy voice.

Man that’s a rough 25... I was thinking she was in her late 30's...