
Its a possible side effect but that has come into question in recent years. I called the college counseling center but the closest appointment is a month away.

I just don’t know I feel terrible and embarrassed. And, I am supposed to start accutane soon, I need accutane but I am worried that if I have depression I can’t take it.

I just feel so broken. Every time I think of graduation I just feel like I have wasted the past 4 years of my life and didn’t spend enough time on experiences and having fun. And now, I am swamped with work and I feel like that’s how I am going to finish my year.

Maybe someday we shall break free lol

I’m really bad at making friends though. I never had real friends until college and I just can’t go back to being miserable and alone. I’m just scared that they are all going to move on in the world without me.

Same! I feel awkward reaching out to someone to be un grayed.

That’s true. I also feel like there are so many good comments that don’t get the attention they deserve. jezebel seems to be dominated by a few voices lately.

This dude again?

I try to do the same but idk if my star does any good because I am also grey.

That’s stupid. I am really sorry about that.

One but not from tonight. It looks like another commenter not a writer though. Odd that there is no process. I try to catch the articles early but a lot of them go up while I am in class.

I love Kat Von D’s liquid lipsticks. They can be a little drying but a good beeswax balm helps. She also has a killer liquid liner same with Stilla. For eyes, I really like the Urban Decay Naked palettes. Mascara Too Faced better than sex in the travel size pink tube.

Oh wow. I might try that. I really don’t get why people are grey so long. I feel like a few months of good commenting should be enough. I feel like most trolls don’t want to play the long game like that so it would be safe.

Thanks. I have already done a lot of research. I know its polarizing people I have spoken to that have experience either love them or hate them.  

Hope I am not commenting too much but I was hoping you all could give me an outside perspective on some friend drama.

How long are you grey for on this website? I’ve been commenting pretty consistently for little under a year but I’m still grey. I’ve never done anything troll like so I don’t quite understand. What is the un greying process?

Having another hell week with academics and missing a party held at the house of the crush *sigh* Still feeling pretty meh.

They were for me for a few days last week. I couldn’t see stars

The ones I went to in Dublin were like that and they also had touchscreen menus to replace most of the normal lines. It was super strange. But, I did appreciate that McDonald’s fries in the UK and Ireland are vegetarian I can’t eat them here.

I’m sorry but this guy is creepy looking