Willow and Piper are okay (terrible middle names though) but all of the other ones scream trailer park to me
Willow and Piper are okay (terrible middle names though) but all of the other ones scream trailer park to me
This honestly makes me so mad I could cry. People have already worked to make receiving SNAP benefits as humiliating as possible and now this? My biggest secret is that there was a period when I was in high school when my family was on SNAP. My dad had essentially abandoned the family and was refusing to pay child…
Why is it so important to you? And yes I have a specific issue but I don’t feel the need to justify myself to you.
Thank you! and yeah he probably was most people were wasted by like 9pm and one of my friends and thrown up by 8...
It does help thank you. I just really need to let the people causing drama go and speak to the girl whose friendship I want to save in person
Thank you. I know that boys will still exist but lately I have just been freaking out. I’ve never had a boyfriend or done anything and everything I see about dating after college is like its crazy hard and sucks which just makes me want to give up.
Thank you <3 and maybe haha. My friend who knows him better was like bad idea but idk I just can’t shake this. I’ve never had a crush this strong before I actually get them very rarely.
Awesome! thanks
really? I got later 30's/ early 40's from his comments
EDIT: My roommate and I talked and we are now on the same page.
What is happening? / oh no because its the only skin care stuff I can afford.
I talked to the guy I am crushing on at this party last night but then I had a huge mental death spiral and I probably won’t talk to him again so idk if that is actually progress
I don’t really mind Juju his comments are usually on topic and interesting and not everywhere all the time but MD is really getting on my nerves I called him out last week and he dismissed me
I need to vent / I don’t know what to do.
its getting super late!
Idk I feel like Sara on Legends has always been portrayed well and Supergirl handled Alex’s coming out and subsequent relationship with Maggie well. ( don’t know anything about s3 tho I’m behind) Keven has gotten pushed to the back in Riverdale but so has every other interesting side character grrr.
The same reason I push back when white people say of you’re just a white girl anyway. Its not accurate and its not me. I’m not white or black I’m mixed its a very distinct experience that you probably don’t understand. Ask yourself why you have such an issue with biracial people claiming their heritage.
I was really hoping that the rumors were true and the name was Mariposa
Are the amount of stars a comment has not showing up for anything else?