I’m in my 20's and I don’t think your worries are unfounded. If anything, mine have amplified over the past few years.
I’m in my 20's and I don’t think your worries are unfounded. If anything, mine have amplified over the past few years.
The pinkification of toys, clothes and just about everything else is insane. I cannot pinpoint where exactly it happend but I do know my friends and I (early 20's) had a lot less pink than my younger sister and her friends (late-teens) The new versions of our old toys are pinker now, just look at American Girl. My…
Preach! I don’t hate Kylie but I find her beyond annoying and I think teens/young adults are smart enough to know that our lives are nothing like hers in both good and bad ways.
Thanks for the tip!
Thank you!
Never root for the seahawks! (I was raised by a niners fan lol)
Yes lol that’s true.
Thanks for the tips! I don’t know if I can keep up the upkeep though my schedule is jam packed and its rare that I take time for myself.
I feel you on team snacks! I braved Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s and the Liquor store this afternoon. The Whole Foods just opened and shopping there was an apocalyptic nightmare that I am still recovering from lol My friend tried to warn me that Whole Foods has a different vibe on the east coast than it does back in CA…
Your Manicure looks awesome! I am getting mine done next friday for an event and I am debating if I want to do acrylics for the first time
Thank you and wow! I am trying just to focus on the positive things and ignore the green monster because thinking about it feeds it.
lol Must be hard to be a Vikings fan you guys were so close to being the first team with a home field advantage for the superbowl. The way people around here were celebrating the eagles win you would think the game was already in the bag for the pats
Yes, a car is necessary unless you live in NYC and maybe DC. I’m actually in a similar situation lol I am American but I lived in the suburbs with my parents then college in the city abroad for a year and now I have to learn how to drive.
Congratulations!! I’m not on Long Island so I can’t speak to specific things about that area but I think one big change will be the weather. It is a lot more variable on the east coast than it is in the UK. Do you have any more specific questions about the US? I could try to answer some but I don’t want to dump a…
I got my first real big girl job! I am officially in at Teach for America! I turned in my regional preference form today and once they get back to me on that I will make my final decision. Looking about 75% chance I will take it but I want to do some more research. I am also sending in a few more applications and I am…
I’m not working on anything at the moment but I just wanted to say the last one looks so amazing!
Who are you rooting for tomorrow? I’m a California girl at heart but the east coast has grown on me so I am rooting for the patriots.
He’s also dismissing women who disagree with him. Remind me why we let a man take up so much room in what is supposed to be a female space?
This is an unfair characterization of what happened between them. I read an account that had the words exchanged and this article does not, and even misrepresents McGowan’s words. The woman interviewed also admits she went to the event intending to be hostile and confrontational. Rose was attacked and bullied at her…