Having a heart attack and crashing is passive, she made an active decision to stab her friends nearly to death.
Having a heart attack and crashing is passive, she made an active decision to stab her friends nearly to death.
That’s really all you got?
You/Your brother shouldn’t control your nephew? I do prefer to keep my dogs on leashes because there are assholes like you in the world
I can’t even sort out this word salad about spiders. And I do know what a toddler is. I have a niece and my brother keeps her under control.
You are seriously reaching and being way too sensitive lol
You just might be wrong about this ever think of that?
Saying you should control your kid isn’t discrimination lol
They are that is my point. But, I feel like a lot of time when talking about white supremacy (especially in feminist spaces) the emphasis is put on the actions of white men and those of white women are minimized.
Will be preordering this book. White women’s role in maintaining white supremacy has been swept under the rug for far to long.
Also you have a troll that you can dismiss
“Brooklyn Based Artist” was all I needed to hear.
Honestly I would have been pissed off if you let your nephew pull my dogs ear and hit her. The dog should have been on a leash (unless its a place that allows them to be without one) but maybe teach the kid not to hit dogs or if he can’t learn that not to reach for other people’s pets?
First and only time I am on United’s side
I honestly don’t get everyone’s sudden obsession with her
Tell me about it. The fucking tsa patted my hair the other day because I forgot to take a bobby pin out yet this old white lady just waltzes onto an international flight
I could see the Malia/British Royalty wedding happening.
Thanks lol
I hate this whole baby plot line and I am praying that is doesn’t happen for multiple reasons. A) I don’t think Rebecca is in a good mental state for this and I am shocked that didn’t have her consider if she wanted to risk passing down her mental illness. B)Heather is finally getting her life together and I feel like…
Acne really is the worst :-( Hope you find something for yours. I can’t take accutane right now and its really making me sad
True. I do love Cole haha I was obsessed with the Suite life and was really glad to see he get back into acting