
My 52 year old dad is a fan lol He loves soap operas and says Riverdale reminds him of a soap so nobody is too old

Thanks I’ll take a look! I know I am sensitive to dimeticone and silica and possibly fatty alcohols.

Same :-( I honestly don’t think I can

Yeah and we have tried everything but accutane which I currently cannot get clearance for due to another medical issue.

It might be... :-( Unfortunately I can’t do much in the way of exercise right now I;m dealing with breathing issues and a possible heart problem so my doctor said to avoid excerting myself.

Thanks for the tips! I’ll try to make an action plan

Not drinking tonight (too much work plus I am saving myself for super bowl sunday and a major party the weekend after that) but I feel you on the anxiety thoughts ugh. I can’t seem to keep them at bay tonight.

Oh god it does get worse lol but I feel you. I spend significant time questioning my life choices. Should have been a youtuber /s

Thanks. I try not to spend too much time looking in the mirror (really don’t have time for obsessing) but even putting on my makeup in the morning is a soul crushing experience.

Teach me your ways lol but like seriously what did you say to buy yourself some time

Same! Whoever said second semester senior year is awesome sits upon a throne of lies! For real I’ve had at least one freak out/panic attack/ existential crisis a day since like september ugh

I could have written this lol we should form our own personal super specific support group. I feel like my advisor is going to eat me alive Tuesday so we shall see!

I feel the same way. I hit rouge at sephora this year. Not all of it was my own money and some of the total comes from the $200-300 I spent on gifts this year but still.

I cannot praise Too Faced Better than Sex enough! The full version is over $15 but I use the travel size which actually gets better reviews! Travel size is usually $12. I like the original but if you are concerned about rubbing your eyes you might want to check out the waterproof version. I think it comes in a travel

I know! Honestly this online community has been a really good spot for me the past few months and I am really grateful to all the jezzie’s who have taken time to give me advice.

Thank you <3 I’m really excited to start feeling better

Do you just have the iPhone or do you also have a mac? I ask because I have been interested in the new ipad but I worry that with a macbook and an iphone and ipad will be redundant. One the other hand, I like that the ipad has a much bigger screen then my phone and is more mobile than my macbook pro.

Thank you for sharing! I have my first meeting of the semester with my advisor this week and I am also going to take a big step and go to the counseling center on campus its taken a lot for me to admit that I really do need help

Me again. Does anyone have tips on how to feel less ugly? I just feel disgusted with my appearance all of the time and its starting to affect other areas of my life. The main thing is I can’t look in the mirror without hyper focusing on my cystic acne. The problem is I know its ugly and that I am unattractive but

Thank you. I’m trying to do this in small bits that I feel like I know what to do with. I took some time to answer emails and do a reading for a class because I know I have that but I still just feel so overwhelmed.