
Yeah there is a starting off point I don’t want to post them because they are pretty specific but I am trying to answer them to the best of my ability.

Thanks yeah I am trying to do something like that a personal anecdote on community involvement and how that translates to my interest in public policy. Its just not flowing as usual.

I’m trying to finish a personal statement for a fellowship app that is due tomorrow. I just hate writing these I feel like I have nothing interesting or important to say just ugh

I’ve gotten that one before. Also people ask how many celebrities I have met and if any went to my school. I then have to explain that the Bay Area is very different from LA.

I want to see the miseducation of cameron post. I know it was a book first and I think I might have read it.

I just don’t get how this works... I’ve been through dozens of airports both her and abroad and have never not had my ticket scanned and my ID/passport inspected. The TSA is usually pretty good at keeping a straight line

Seriously. anyone who wants to correct grammar that badly can come take a crack at one of my papers. God knows I could use the help. Stupid commas :-P

I never saw the original but I watch a lot of cw shows so I might tune in.

Yeah I got through 15 min before I noped out of that nonsense. I am assuming that the Disney/Pixar movie will win. Coco was the only decent movie out of all of those and Disney almost always takes that category.  

I love her so much. I have been a fan of hers since Ghost first came out and I got front row seats to her most recent tour as my 21st birthday gift. She is just so awesome and she speaks her mind and doesn’t back down. She’s a great role model for her young fans

What in there is a good idea? Because it all seems like crazy person talk to me.

Love this article going to take a moment before I scroll down and read the comments which will most likely be a mess of white feminism and #notallwhitewomen

THIS. I was going to comment that there is no way some neighbors did not at least suspect something was up. I’ve lived in that style of neighborhood before and you can hear pretty much everything and even see into people windows if you get close enough.

Why do you get to dictate who comments what and when?

No. Just no on so many levels

Preface, I grew up in the suburbs of Northern California not the rural midwest and I am not normal by anyones standards.

That is so cute! Our dogs are similar. We have three, a terrier mix and two golddendoodles. Our terrier hates the snow and will pee so fast you aren;t even sure she actually did it, One puppy will tolerate the snow while the other does doggy suicides across the backyard 

Same here. I was surprised there was no entry fee. We just went to the exploratorium the other day and it was about $25 per person 

Oh I totally feel unsafe in SF now. I’m a Bay Area native and I used to love going into the city as a kid but lately we have avoided SF because of safety issues like that.

What the heck?? How can districts be okay with this? The middle school in my town cancelled class yesterday because the heat wasn’t working.