
His girlfriend just makes me very uncomfortable like she is trying to force this closeness that really doesn’t exist. I am not okay with her calling me her daughter or posting my picture on her public facebook page. I didn’t even meet her until I was 19 and I only see them for a few weeks out of the summer. I just

Thank you for checking in it does mean a lot to me. And I think so, I might try to set up a session or two with someone back home my parents have really good insurance so I think I should take care of that. I think they would be supportive of that. I’m just a mess I have zero self esteem and I cry at the drop of a hat

Very late now but anyone have tips on approaching a tense family-ish situation? Without giving too many details, my dad has been dating this women for 3 or 4 years now. It is important to note that he and I are not close and I see him about once a year during the summer. She makes me uncomfortable, I found out she has

I feel you. My friends Christmas present was supposed to come last monday it came thursday after she left so I have to mail it to her.

Thanks to everyone who gave me advice last week. Made it through finals but i don’t think my gpa did. Still just feeling awful about the future and just me as a person

Yes, I was a teenager. I’m a 21 year old women in college with a 16 year old sister still in high school and we were both raised right. Neither one of us would have ever dreamed about drinking in a bar while still in high school. In fact, I was never drunk before I was of age and have never had any desire to get black

Anyone know how to pronounce soundcloud rapper names?

*disclaimer: the only person responsible for rape is the rapist* Bu where are this girls parents? 16 year-olds should not be out at bars drinking and ubering home wasted. Honestly, CPS needs to investigate this family I doubt this is the first time this happened. Also, the bar she was at needs to lose their license

I have never heard of this man before

Yep, groupchat of poli sci majors who all have interned in DC and talk tax policy at parties (yes this actually happend last week) so very *serious*  and the main reposnse was HOLY FUCK, YAAAASSS and Screw you Trump. So clearly we have some top notch analysis going on.

Yes! That’s totally how we felt. I haven’t watched anyhting past s1E2 because there is so much good tv I don’t have time for these days so I can’t go back to shows I didn’t really like

Now rarely but we were a huge PBS family when we were kids. Just found the crown really boring.

I was always under the impression that Alabama was worse? But anything in the deep south is bad

Hi Thank you so much. Its been a bit of a struggle I got one 8 page paper and I almost done with an okay 25 page draft of my first chapter but idk what I am going to do about the other two papers and the exam

How much do you want to bet she had him as a teen?

My family honestly did not make it through the second episode of the first season. I am really interested in British history and even I was both bored and confused by the end of the first episode

The answer is every airline is competing in a race to the bottom and people cannot be kind :-/ Delta sucks and their hub ATL is the most disgusting airport I have ever been in. United see last years incident, ridiculous prices, and random fees. I have never had a Southwest flight leave on time and connections go on of

you win the internet for today

I am so upset about this. I loved her music and now I know she is a horrible person 

Haha thanks. My stepdad is more open to time off than my mom is. I am pretty sure he wanted my stepsister to take a year in between but she chose to go straight in.