
What failure in the system allowed this man to be deported 5 times and still end up in SF? And I am actually a little torn on sanctuary city laws. Maybe if this man had been reported to immigration Kate would still be alive.

That guys looks like a DC comics villain 

I want them all gone Conyer, Franken, Moore. We need to start trusting women and removing abusers from positions of power.

I appreciate your opinion. I enjoy reading the experiences of other mixed people regarding racial identification whether I agree with them or not. For me, I think I am more like Meghan Markle than Obama. I do identify as biracial and have never been a fan of “the box” I remember getting in trouble in early elementary

What the heck is an “Anti-American” cake???

Its like the universe is conspiring against us lol the second you look like a mess it sends someone cute into your path

Not great at direct ugh I am pure anxiety at this point when it comes to guys. also def just walked past him in the library looking like a troll doll/walking dead extra so if anyone needs me I will be hiding under a rock. The only reason I went down to fill up my water is because I thought the coast was clear.

That’s awesome lol I was thinking that if I did talk to him it snot impossible or unreasonable to see him around he is the next town over but they are small towns

Good idea lol I know that by coincidence we live in the same area and he seems like cat videos and theater unfortunately my friend said he’s not a sports guy and sports are the one “guy thing” I am fully fluent in.

That might be a good idea! would have to get a friend to host though (no parties in my room with the whole RA thing)

Hahaha It’s funny there is debate amongst people who design these things about whether or not my birth year is around the start of Gen-Z or the las millennial. I do think I would be more towards Gen-Z more in common culturally with my 16 year old sister than my early 30's cousins. I had a flip phone in middle school

lol that would be funny. I haven’t actually texted him yet. He is a friend of a friend I have met him twice but it was short and we were kinda drunk I added him on FB because by this point I had developed a crush but we don’t really know each other its a small school so we just have mutual friends.

I haven’t actually talked to him online yet and the two times I spoke to him in person it was brief and we were both not exactly sober :-/ so idk how much he remembers about me. I’m generally just awful with guys in general I’m 21 with no experience at all. I feel like I have to have a few sober converstations with

Ick. I wasn’t going to try them anyways but this just makes me more sure of my decision

It is very difficult and you and Archie will be in my thoughts. I know hoe hard it is to loose your best friends.

How do they make them?

I’m so sorry about Archie its so hard when we lose a furry family member. I hope you are able to spend quality time together over the next few months  

SO the boy I like accepted my facebook request in under an hour and my friend says he is never on there and him accepting quick is a good sign we think! (that also might be the most millennial thing I have ever written) I just don’t know how to talk to him A) he is way out of my league and B) its finals and I am

Thank you <3 I think I remeber reading your comments on Israel. That is a very hard situation to be in also. I know the Jezebel tends to be pretty polarized when that topic comes up. Its that same thing of never quite fitting in with either side.

Maybe not but most bullied kids don’t turn into murders. I think this kid belongs in jail