you’d be a terrible judge. I was bullied pretty bad k-12 never stabbed anybody. My sympathy for this kid is limited.
you’d be a terrible judge. I was bullied pretty bad k-12 never stabbed anybody. My sympathy for this kid is limited.
Thank you. I was able to relax (alcohol helped lol) but it was in the back of my mind. There is a part of me that will never fully let my guard down. My overall experience here has been pretty good but it was a definite culture shock/wake up call for me. I grew up a relativity diverse “bubble” in Northern California…
Thank you for the tip! After reading the article and everyone’s comments I’m leaning towards waxing lol
Now why was this never mentioned in any of my political science classes???
Of course he did, I don’t know why anybody is surprised we are all clearly living in hell/the upside down/the darkest timeline
So it wasn’t painful? Does it cause ingrown hairs? I have to admit this has crossed my mind before but TMI WARNING......
Thank you for trying to understand. Its still a very tricky subject within the black community. Even I as a young biracial women am still learning and trying to understand my place in the converstation and how my own privilege is a factor. I do regret being quite so harsh with Alastair but it is difficult to see other…
Nope plenty I just made sure to cut off the white ones who were only really interested in getting a pass for their racism from a mixed/white passing girl they could pretend wasn’t part black.
You’re white so I don’t expect you to get it. I’m sick of black people (especially biracial people) who play “cool black friend” and pretend that race is not an issue and there is not centuries of radicalized history around the n-word. Giving your white friends and family a pass on racism hurts everyone in the end.…
And so are you :-) You clearly have no issue with you white friends shouting the n-word so if you want to go play “cool/acceptable black person” thats fine by me. Eventually you may realize that those friends view you the same way they view every other black person
I don’t believe you are actually part black or if you are you are the self-hating mixed person who wishes they were white so they always make sure to side with white people when race comes up. And if you can’t figure it out you are clearly disconnected from your heritage and I pity you.
Don’t act like a fucking idiot. You don’t use the word in mixed company. I personally never use the word because I wasn’t raised in the culture and don’t like it. But again don’t be a fucking idiot in an attempt to appease white people. -signed a biracial girl.
Honestly, respect how the biracial person decides to be identified. Don’t listen to monoracial people of either race. If its someone like Obama who says he is black instead if mixed follow his lead and say black. Whereas Meghan has always said biracial so you should listen to her and say biracial.
Thank you for having the guts to say what I could not. I’m so sick of the mixed people must be claimed argument. Just let me exist in peace.
While that is true, it is much more likely that the children will look white rather than looking black or having more of the 50/5o mixed look. One light mixed parent and one white parent is much more likely to produce a while looking kid not for sure but very likely. I think it is safe to assume that the children will…
Wish I could star this more than once!
I’m rooting for Lorde I love her and Melodrama is an amazing album