Oh god. The part about the cheap beer is what got me. I feel like my brain is going to be screaming because it screams over the little things sometimes i wish I could just turn it off lol So funny about the password
Oh god. The part about the cheap beer is what got me. I feel like my brain is going to be screaming because it screams over the little things sometimes i wish I could just turn it off lol So funny about the password
That does sound less stressful lol I think i do want to remember it but I think less pressure is good
I just feel like its too late to join more clubs especially with my schedule (honors thesis and RA job) I actually had to quit SGA because I was so busy. One of my friends has some close guys friends so maybe I should hang out with her group from study abroad sometime
Thank you I think I needed to hear that before I decided to do something stupid. I’m just worried that I am never going to find someone who thinks I am pretty and wants to take things slow with me. I constantly go back and forth about getting it over with or continuing to hold out.
He probably did lol my friends and I used to take what 17 and to a lesser extent Cosmo said as the gospel.
Thank you for this. I feel a lot better knowing I am not totally alone in making it into my 20's without any experience. if you don’t mind me asking, was it awkward the first time?
Thank you :-) Only a few more months so it feels like the pressure is on in every area of my life. Hopefully I can find a guy who doesn’t mind a girl who is inexperienced.
Its a little insane at times guess that’s what happens when you throw a couple thousand overachievers together and nobody is the big fish anymore.
Oh no lol I really hope I’m better than that. Maybe it is okay to have waited I just can’t help but wish I had done it earlier but I know dwelling is bad for my mental health
Thank you for you help :-) I think I might have been building it up to much in my head. I’ll try and relax I’m also nervous that I am going to be terrible. Like I have heard that nobody is good at first (which makes sense) but I feel to old to be a bad/inexperienced kisser.
Thank you <3 that does help. I hope it happens for you when its right. I’m not sure what is wrong with me lately its been weighing heavily on my mind lately. The pain gets worse every year the first time I remember being embarrassed was cheer practice at 15 when I realized I was the last girl who hadn’t kissed.…
Some might be exaggerating but I also have very pretty friends so idk :-/ There are times I just want to go for it but I am totally afraid of humiliating myself and being the ugly girl he laughs about with his friends the next morning. I go to a very small crazy competitive liberal arts school that has a shark tank…
Idk all my friends had theirs in HS or early in college with a boyfriend or a crush and have a sweet story. I just wish I had that
I’m forever grey so idk if anyone will see this but I could use some advice. I’m 21 and I’ve never been kissed. I don’t get crushes often and I’m not the prettiest flower in the garden and super shy/awkward so its just never happened for me. It never used to bother me but since I am graduating in spring I am starting…
If Malia wants some real friends I’m around.
Yep! Scored a nice winter coat that is usually $500+ for $170 and two outfits for $100. I’m going to see if anyone restocks for cyber monday before making any more purchases. Sill need to get some winter boots, some leggings and bras +underwear. I had my eyes on a really cute pair of pj’s but they sold out yesterday.
I don’t have anything constructive to add but I will say wow is he unattractive.
I would have to agree. I’m mixed and my mom is Italian and I feel like there is a decent cousin culture there but distance has gotten in the way some. Conversely, I’m not close at all with my cousins on my dad’s side so who knows.
not going to lie pretty mesmerizing