
I’m not seeing it but maybe that’s just me? I tend to prefer guys dark messy hair a little stubble and a nice smile  

I’ve heard of his fashion line obviously but had no idea that he was murdered so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Darren Criss is hot. That’s really all I have to contribute

The Dolan twins are really cute though I was surprised to hear they are only 17 which makes me feel weird

Haha maybe I am trying to figure out just how far right he leans luckily we are poly sci majors so it comes up somewhat naturally.

I’ve got a bad crush ugh guy I met sophmore year we were pretty friendly but he had a gf we both went abroad for a year and didn’t speak have seen him a couple times since but I am so fucking awkward around guys and I just found out he leans republican (not trump bad but liked Regan so eww) so I doubt it will go

Why do I feel like all the Trump kids are going to grow up to be monsters

Seriously I was shocked. We don’t allow any peanut butter in our main college dining hall, assuming my school has some students with severe allergies. And when I was a camp counseler a few years back we didn’t have nuts or peanuts in our camp snacks.

Huh I would not have expected there to be a cult in Albany

Good for her and wow so well written!

Ads or Online toy review videos? If they are youtube videos can’t you just stop her for watching them?

You should be very thankful. I worked with middle schoolers over the summer and it was slime and fidget spinner mania until we started confiscating items

I think its more about as a brand new person after her reputation was destroyed

It already is shitty

No :-( I used to get teen vogue in print for years and I loved it. I hate that everything is moving digital for me it just isn’t as satisfying reading it on the computer   

Somebody seems jealous...

It definitely has racists and buts up against some very rednecky parts of upstate. My family’s been living there for a few years and we absolutely hate it (for many reasons not just the racists) but yes the kids at my sister’s hs in one of the suburbs make a lot more racially charged comments than I remember hearing

I’m not sure! I did manage to score some cool bath melts and the black bath bomb months before it dropped in the USA. There were too many things to keep track of but I was trying to keep on budget lol

Thanks :-) It was something I was a little unsure about but I am glad I did it at least once just for the experience.

I didn’t do too much buying there but if you have curly or wavy hair Boots (drug store in the UK and Ireland) makes an amazing curl cream that’s like two dollars. Also, if you are going to London and like Lush their Oxford street store is the coolest! Tons of exclusive products and it is a little bit cheaper there