
Trump got elected while I was studying abroad there were some drunken conversations about just saying fuck it and staying in Ireland

I went to Edinburgh solo for a weekend last Nov. I just googled places to eat before hand and tried to find some that were along or not to far from my planned route using google maps. Found out I’m not really one for solo travel. It was nice to be the only person deciding what to do but It was also lonely and I wasn’t

I went to Edinburgh solo for a weekend last Nov. I just googled places to eat before hand and tried to find some that were along or not to far from my planned route using google maps. Found out I’m not really one for solo travel. It was nice to be the only person deciding what to do but It was also lonely and I wasn’t

Noooooooooooo :-(

It’s hard being a fall person in SoCal. If you ever have time to make it up to NorCal go to Apple Hill in Placer County. Only place in CA that it really feels like authentic fall.

I already have seen Pumpkin Noosa at two different targets as early as July. (Bay Area and Western Mass )

There is a surprising amount of merch for both big Oregon schools lurking around NorCal.

Yes!!!! It’s PUMPKIN TIME. I missed pumpkin spice season last year (Stupid Ireland ;-) )

I was crazy busy this summer, movies are expensive, and nothing looked *that* good.

Sorry I still adore the 1998 version but I’m a 90's kid so who knows. But the basic premise of this movie is totally messed up. Like who is okay with splitting up their children and never seeing the other one again. Like how is that decision even made.


Seriously the bitchiness comes out when you don’t toe the party line around here.  

I don’t like being told to speak for an entire group and you have no idea what every program in every school look like so unless you are a cheerleader kindly shut up. I’m so sick of “feminists” attitudes towards cheerleaders.

Seriously! There are disgusting old men at my sisters soccer meets and crew races also. It’s not just cheerleading.

Oh Fuck off. I don’t let pervy old men ruin my sport. Are we banning dance, beach volleyball and gymnastics while we are at it?

That’s a common stretching technique and a lot of girls will cry becasue it does hurt but they clearly didn’t do this right if she actually tore something

SOOOOO ready!!

Yes, I just loved being lectured by pretty women who have no idea what its like to be ugly. I’m a “bad” makeup wearer becasue I don’t wear makeup for me. I wear it so my skin looks slightly less hideous and people judge me less. I’m not pretty and no amount of makeup changes that but I look less like something that

Thank you.

Thank you :-)