
I’m in the same boat, got really sick last spring and now its one thing after another I might have the flu and I haven’t been able to breathe right since a bad chest infection last march but according to the tests I’m fine. Hope you figure it out soon

No real advice but I get it. Same thing happened with a guy at my internship this summer. And I really thought he had been flirting and guys never like me so I got way to excited.

I just googled Mola Mola and I am horrified

So A) I’m in RA training which is two weeks of 12 hour hell days, B) I have study abroad exams (loooong story) C) I just came down with the flu and D) I am dizzy and when in my bathroom tripped and my phone went flying into the toilet. I’m just having a supper shity day in my personal life and as usual, the news is

Dude speak for yourself. You said it yourself you are white so please don’t put stuff on biracial people. Seriously, being biracial is a fact half and half not a special snowflake identify. You don’t get to decide that biracial kids will suffer becasue of their identity.  

You seem really bitter. Like major projection of your own issues. Since you aren’t even biracial you can’t decide how biracial people should identify.

Or you could leave biracial people alone? Not everyone wants your condescending thoughts and prayers  

I don’t think they would change the name regardless of the actual number of flags (branding and all) but I do like your idea. I love the concept of the 6 different flags that ruled over TX- just minus the Confederacy

They wouldn’t change the park or company name. They have built a huge company under the name “Six Flags” I actually never thought about where they got the name until right now.

I was about to say, I was there for a whole year and Europe (or at least the parts of it I saw ) is still standing... lol

Oh don’t even get me started on that. Absolutely infuriating  

I got about halfway through before I let out a rage scream. And again, soooo many white men think that being gay means A) they understand racism and B) they aren’t privileged.

Ahh Folsom. I do not miss my years in Placer County, give me the Bay Area or LA any day

Why? As a WOC, I don’t expect gay white people to be any less racist than straight ones. In fact, I have both seen and heard many a gay white guy try to excuse his racism and sexism by saying he’s gay so he gets it and can’t be racist. As far as the vote went for some people black or white it was religion which was

My memory may be failing me but I do believe there was a case with similar circumstances around the same time involving a 13 year old and a 14 year old

Seriously! My cousin and his fiancee are moving for work most likely to Austin and I’m like you realize its still subject to the laws passed by the rest of Texas???????

Good, I hope they win

Yikes! Its crazy how much so areas have changed. I have family in Los Gatos which has always been an expensive area but recently its gotten insane. People are tearing down these beautiful older homes to build mansions. I don’t even recognize the area any more

Good luck in the AP! (It only gets worse lol) My stupid lucky sister didn’t get any those summer and I hate her a little bit haha

Yes, my sister and I maintain that every BMW driver is a giant ass.