Oh god I’m sorry. Is it just me or are there more of these assholes in the Bay now? Dying to know the city and I have a couple guesses
Oh god I’m sorry. Is it just me or are there more of these assholes in the Bay now? Dying to know the city and I have a couple guesses
Freaking thank you! So sick of all the rationalization going on in the comments section today. You never see black people treated this gently or given this type of benefit of the doubt.
Top of my class at an Ivy ;-) just sick of people always running to defend white people when black people never get half the sympathy
yes it does becasue you never see black people getting the benefit of the doubt. See every police/ security interaction ever. If she had been black she might be dead right now.
I’m not buying it :-) those thoughts and words come from somewhere, And to answer your second questions swearing no but racism yes. I have zero sympathy for racists only for those they terrify and torment.
I have nothing to say besides FUCK THIS SHIT
Wish I could like this more. So fucking sick of racism being excused away by “ bu bu but muh mental illness”
Doesn’t excuse racism in my book. The second you are racist you are a piece of shit in my book. I know plenty if people with mental illnesses who aren’t racist shitheads
Same, love my otterbox
Ughhh just had to bribe my 16 year old sister to give hers up. She’s like I don’t have any money *sigh* Her’s wasn’t recalled but better safe than sorry.
I need to exercise more and eat better because right now I am not healthy. Also I feel like I missing why weight loss is suddenly so terrible? I want to lose weight for me becasue I look better when I am not 25 pounds overweight
Oh I totally agree with that. I think a lot of the blame goes to white people but Asian’s aren’t really helping. I really don’t believe in POC solidarity partially becasue of the amount of anti-blackness I have seen from other minorities particularly Asians.
At this point, i’m so over it that its the grammar that bothers me more than the racism.
Peak Beckying
I think white people think that Asian’s are on their side becasue of the whole “model minority” thing. That myth and the fact that some people actually buy into that helps drive a wedge between Asian’s and other minorities. White people want to exploit that division
I’m going back into therapy my impending college graduation and trump’s bullshit is wreaking havoc on my already iffy mental health
Wish I could like this comment more than once
That was used on the Flash already a Flash from an alternate world wore that
No :-( my roommate and I were going to go his show in Jersey