Oh God yes! I was abroad last year and my friends and I went shopping in October and there was already Christmas stuff all over
Oh God yes! I was abroad last year and my friends and I went shopping in October and there was already Christmas stuff all over
I’m excited and already planning my dorm and hall decorations.
Don’t get me started. I try to avoid BART as much as possible but the times I do have to ride are pure misery
BART is one of the circles of hell but I agree it would be 10x better without food smells
I have too many to list. Any southern or middle america state and four years on the east coast has taught me that I hate snow with a burning passion
All star cheerleaders are definitely athletes some high school that are more like spirit leaders fine but cheerleaders are athletes
I wish I could give your comments more stars
Thank you!! God the white commenters and some of my fellow biracial folks are totally missing the point. It’s not just about this one relationship it’s about how white women are always held up as the standard of beauty and they get a nuanced media portrayal while WOC are shoved into boxes
Thank you! As a mixed girl (black/white) I really haven’t been able to see the “author hates biracial people” argument being made at the top of the page. WOC especially black women get the short end of the stick in our society that places whiteness above everything else. Yeah my parents loved each other but their…
I’m biracial but I can think critically about why some interracial parings are more common and more accepted than others.
I’m legitimately excited for spiderman #sorrynotsorry lol
Locomotive Jones is a Known Troll on Jezebel not sure how often he shows up here I just started reading The Root. but anyway usually just dismiss and ignore he’s not worth it
For some people who don’t pay too much attention to each movie it could be DC burnout. The past few DC movies have been terrible and the casual blockbuster people might just here DC and tune out.
Make it or break it or Jane by Design the newer shows are unwatchable
Do it!! You don’t get too many emails and you can send them to a fake email a account
Me! At least I used to get a Slytherin/Ravenclaw hat stall. New pottermore put me in Gryffindor but I refuse to accept that.
I love Harry Potter! I grew up in a world with the series (born ‘96) but didn’t read them until the end of high school. I have very strong feelings about what house I’m in and who the best character is. I did the Harry Potter tour in Edinburgh and went to King’s Cross in London this spring.
It’s the next generation that really doesn’t know life without the internet. They are starting to draw boundaries and the next generation starts somewhere between 1995 and 2000.
Could be worse lol I’m right between Millennials and the “I-generation” I’ve also heard Gen Z which is way better
yes they should! I’m 20 and I know way better than to go traipsing around a dictatorial country whose leader thinks America is its greatest enemy.