
Really?!? Are you seriously trying to troll for puns? Because I can sea right through you’re soggy attempt!

That’s just lazy hand-waving and world building. If they were native to the planet, they should have evolved means to lose heat, such as big panting tongues, or big radiating ears. Aren’t some Carth’s depicted with at least the ears?

I think the Jedi Council let her run around like that since her under-robe attire was fairly conservative. Have you seen what the other Jedi’s pranced around in sans robes?

Yeah but if you watch those, you won’t get great one liners like

“So it can hit 110 teraflops!!”  I’ll never need such power!

“Cromulent” Well, thanks for embiggening my vocubulary.

would watch.

snerk, it’s a copy and paste

It’s being done, It’s called the Orville.

This is what io9 does now.

Sadly, the movie would have really benefited too.

Oh come on,

You keep picking on that caricature you’ve made of your opponent instead of your actual adversary, and you’ll be left wondering why they run every level of government..

You’re probably one of those stingy bastard who goes to a Casino with a roll of quarters, plays all days, eats like a king at a buffet and ends up with enough winnings to buy gas and go home too. Well you know what!!!

A wise man once said, the early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Best advise, I’ve ever seen concerning Bitcoin was from a friend.

Well that’s like totally easy. You just make sure your last victim/meal is about your size and shade, then you just dress em u.......sorry......

Whatever makes him feel better, he’s pretty random. Last November, I saw him bounce a spectacular saving throw off the ceiling against an undead lycanthrope. Most of the table is still pretty mad at him for that.

With that whole bursting into fire and melting into wispy ash when exposed to sunlight thing, may I suggest to your newly turned, self-absorbed, vampire cheerleader a bottle of spray tan?

Can you DM my next game?