
Why would you use a complete VR rig to draw a 2D object? Seems like a horrible misuse of technology. Now if you could use that tech to rig your characters (which always felt like trying to playing with legos while you’re stuck behind a window) that would be awesome!

I will have you know, the AI my team eventually develops will be completely unbiased. It will hate and eradicate all humans equally.

He had issues with the Libertarian/anarchist too. I think the last line of the movie sums everything up.

I’m pretty sure the Conservatives were more alarmed at the complete collapse of the free market system, the complete loss of gun rights, complete loss of freedom of speech, complete concentration of legal power, and because they couldn’t figure out the three sea shells thing.

That was some really cool eye opening research, thank you for that.

That’s actually not that bad, now if you want to really abuse Metaphors, I’d say you’re as slow as an Ent, with your obtuse Jedi-like adherence to rules. You need to be more free spirited, think North of the Wall. If not, you’ll get trapped until someone with Slitherin intent, sneaks in a bad comment all Sith like.

starred for the new word my brain is going to randomly pop up all weekend.

Yes, you have a good point, but how do we ensure that no illegal aliens (who could arguably do a better job) doesn’t just drop in and infringe on said Billionaire’s lifestyle?

Are you deriding the asexual, vegan, PhD’s in literature with an emphasis on 20th century jingles minority! If so, shame on you!

SpaceX Set to Make History finally economically perform the Space Shuttle’s mission Next Week During Supply Mission to the ISS


No self respecting GOP member would ever want to live in THAT utopia... Now if the sheeple would kindly flock away, thy could really make a fun place to live in.

So copying/pasting my grey response to your thread, since it seems more appropriate.


So fun fake factoid, this movie’s “San Angeles” is what most Republican voting people think Libruls are trying to turn their worlds into.

After some strange Presidential election cycles, the rest of the country refused to even talk to California. Well, except,New York, She drops a post card every now and then.

Careful, that thought process is the first step down the long dark and cutely disturbing world of anime.

I’m willing to try it. Forcing the character right into the uncanny valley, is an interesting narrative choice. It makes the struggle the other character face trying to see her as human more believable.

Tarantino has a tremendous talent for the slow burn and sizzling suspense. I could see these two squaring off at a rough hewn table at an impromptu cease fire talk. A dozen warships at Red alert are ready to eviscerate each other.

Make it so, Motherfucker!