
Maybe, but humans will always beat limited AI when it comes to adaptablity and fuzzy logic. I’ll only start worrying when the winning move consist of

This? it’s already a thing.

As long as the AI has a comely user interface, I’m ok with them whooping the aliens.

Who do I throw money at to make this happen? I would devour a Rebels era Ahsoka/ Hondo buddy series, or any other series with Jim Cummins and Ashley’s voice acting.

Hopefully exploring the “Grey” side of the force with her rediscovered morally flexible friends.

Jar jar is annoying as all get out, but made great social commentary. In hindsight, his journey from imbecile to well intentioned but disastrous senator was very prescience, considering the congress’s of late. There is depth there, whether intended or not.

Guinness already responded, but you’re frame of reference is incorrect. If the astronaut was magnetically attached to the ship, his frame of reference is with the ship and he feels all the forces the ship feels. The moment the tool was released, the astronaut was no longer applying force to it, and it will continue

To quote the show, space is too damn big.

I guess my mind fills in the gaps from the books but I can’t see your perspective. This is the hardest science-fiction space adventure ever put on television. When it’s paying attention to orbit mechanics and the like, it’s almost spot on.

Ouch! Whhyyyy????

You’d run out of land surprisingly quickly. At current population levels, there’s less than 10 acres per every person on Earth.

You have valid points. However, I’d like to point out that Texas doesn’t shake rattle and roll as much as California does, doesn’t have the mountains and tracts of unbuildable land that Oregon and Washington, does and when disaster did hit this past year, those Texans living in those poorly zoned areas suffered

Nooot coool. Most of us, just respond with “Hail Hydra!” Not spill the great time traveling coup we haven’t been planning for decades!

Oh yessssss, it could be muuuuch worse.

Gonna call it. In either this movie or next, her armor is going to get wrecked and she’ll lose her helmet while she does something spectacular and heroic. You’ll see Christie bloodied but somehow still beautiful in the remnants of her chrome fighting for something her and the audience truly believe in.

How does that add to the housing shortage?

Greed is a part of it, but taxes, fees, fines, lawyers, repairs, services, upgrades are a much bigger part of it. When you add it up, there have been many many months where I’m paying my tenants to live there.

Marriage has that affect on most men.

The problem is, there’s a very finite supply of lithium on Earth. It would take Space X level thinking to alleviate that inevitiable bottleneck.

Ohm my gosh, I diode a little reading that draining pun.