Adriano Real

We're gonna need some shields. I heard those asteroids are really pesky.

Sounds like a pinball machine lol.

"It’s, like, the coolest music app ever... but you’ve probably never heard of it.."


That's a lot of hearsay in one article.

If they come state-side those beers and high fives are on me.

If they come state-side those beers and high fives are on me.

Elaborate, please.

Thats one of the coolest things I have seen so far in my short 19 years of life.

I agree with all that, but I also think it was one of those things that the U.S. believed it had to do to solidify America's role as the worlds "badass." Many other country's can say "We have nuclear armaments!" but only the U.S. can say "We have nuclear armaments! And we've used them... twice!"

Well now I know something such as the Twin Paradox exists, but I still don't get the concept. Sort of do, and sort of don't. Damn Einstein!

Someone call Robert Langdon!

I'd say "cue the dwarf jokes" but you guys are already way ahead of me :D

It's like Windows Mobile all over again... but this time only Nokia can throw their crappy UI on top of it.

See, this I do not like. I was ok with Nokia choosing WP7 (actually a little excited about it), and I was ok with Nokia making billions off Microsoft's concessions, but I'm not ok with Nokia putting they're dirty little fingers in the OS. Fragmentation is bound to happen. Apparently Microsoft didn't realize that


I got accepted but decided to do something else with my future, also the price did not help. It would have been difficult to afford. I have some friends that go there so I visit often though.

He gained even more of my respect.

I'm sure hes got a little bit of hardware knowledge so building a powerful electromagnet around where his computer just so happens to be, shouldn't be too difficult for him. Just tell the judge there was an unfortunate mishap involving magnets for another project and he didn't realize how close it was to his HD.

I don't even know what to say about this...