Adriano Real

I bought it on Friday and until today found the battery life pretty spectacular. I'd say I was getting at least 20 hours of battery life on average. But today when I went to the gym around 5, I had ~49% battery. With very little use I got home about two hours later from the gym and it was at 12%. Odd. I guess I'll try

Except here in Florida we haven't really gotten a hurricane in 5+ years. Well, at least not one that really mattered. The last one we got that actually did something was Wilma which came right after Katrina passed over Florida on it's way to Louisiana. We always have the typical "Tropical Storms" and Cat 1

Honestly the last time I read a Sam Biddle article/review/whatever-this-trash-is-called. That wasn't a review, it was just several paragraphs of bashing a keyboard and the app ecosystem of a NON-RELEASED operating system.

What are the repercussions of the icecap breaking in two?

I'm really glad I have a vinyl cutter at home. I will be using that image to blow it up in adobe illustrator, and cutting it out myself. Save myself $30.00.

If it makes you feel any better, instead of paying for this I am going to "pirate" it. I have a vinyl printer (for printing decals like that) and I am going to be loading that image in adobe illustrator, tracing out the design, blowing it up to a size I like, and cutting it on my vinyl printer. This will essentially


Hopefully they learn their lesson and fix that app; it really is complete CRAP.

Hold on, hold on, HOLD. ON. Would someone care to explain how shooting compressed air at the ocean floor has anything to do with oil...? (Serious question).

Aiden was the best. Cute kid.

I'm not being able to log in with the same account and password that I use everyday. I checked, checked again, triple checked, and confirmed that everything was right on my end yet I'm not able to log in. Says password is incorrect. It was working 15 minutes ago. Now it isn't.

Seriously, can't we all just drive with one hand? It's a lot more comfortable and practical. And it feels right!

Ahhhh, I see. I had no idea that this kind of mass copying was going now.

Why does it look like the interface in the Facebook app mashed with some UI features of the Twitter app...?

I'm still pissed that Miami, FL doesn't have LTE. Pretty big city — maybe the biggest in Florida even — and it doesn't have LTE yet. Naples is getting it and that's a tiny city northwest of Miami.


What a twist!

Nah I believe that was my first time.