Adrian Beltre's Head

Comes free when you turn 90.

I understand/sympathize, but started to wonder this week if we're ever going to see "real" Dale at all. Sure, adhering to traditional dramaturgy and storytelling would mean we'd get a showdown between GoodCoop and EvilCoop, but I think that, after 11 episodes, it's pretty safe to say that Lynch and Frost aren't

Russo mistakes shouting for knowledge. If I want analysis on his level, I'll ask my dog.

Thanks. Of all the places for things to go haywire …

Our broadcast froze just as Trish opened the door and bent down. What was outside?

That, or sloppy continuity

And why is POTUS in some shitty little room in a Canadian Ramada, rather than a secured suite?

I'm guessing that the Iris who gets killed is a time remnant that Barry knows nothing about. Iris 2 dies, Iris 1 appears from behind a parked car, Savitar goes "wha-?," Barry punches him, and the cannon sends him into the Speed Force, freeing Jay.

I've expressed my inability to make any sense of who is who and what they're doing in this show before, but is the old guy hanging out with Kiefer a former president? I have no idea how he got there. And is Rob Morrow doing a Sam Elliott imitation or does he just have a bad cold?

Couldn't Iris just get on a plane and not tell anyone where she's going until the whole thing blows over? If Barry doesn't know where she is, how could Savitar find her?

You never heard of Agent Double-Five?

And, best of all, the camera's name was Martha.

I forgot about poor Huell still being in that room. No wonder he lost weight.

I don't think the fact that this was one of the best episodes of the season and that we saw so little of McKinnon and Strong on screen are not coincidental.

Josh is a congressman? Explains a lot about what's going on right now.

I think I read (somewhere) that even once we get to the Breaking Bad timeline, that may not be the end of this show. Jimmy/Saul was obviously doing other stuff while Walt was cooking. (This is the same reason I don't necessarily see death or estrangment for Kim. Just because we didn't see her didn't mean she wasn't

Couldn't agree less. I found that speech embarrasingly poorly written and a challenge that even a great actress would have needed luck to do something with. The poor woman never stood a chance.

While doing his vocal impression of Batman?

I swear; I've watched every episode of this show and have no idea of who half the people are or what the plot is. The reveal of Shallow Throat was a total "Who's that guy?" moment.

My wife and I were in Massachusetts last fall. She had just been on Jeopardy and, while walking, a woman asked us for directions. It wasn't enough that the woman was Margo Martindale; she recognized my wife from the show.