Adrian Beltre's Head

Because Sam Scudder, the original (and only) Mirror Master, isn't Scottish. It's like those annoying people who can't accept Barry as the Flash rather than Wally or Hal rather than John as Green Lantern,

The Emmy speculation strikes me as 1950 redux, with multiple deserving women competing against each other and probably splitting the vote.


Has anyone discussed the possibility of Oleg and Phil being half-brothers? #whathappensinthegulagstaysinthegulag

Being John Malkovich. I can never see a worse movie because it has been — and will always be — impossible to make one.

Personally, I liked the episode. Of course, I'm going to like pretty much anything with Houdini in it. That said, I'd have liked him to have a little more of the panache and sheer enjoyment of being Houdini that Michael Weston had on "Houdini and Doyle." (Though I'll stipulate this is a younger, still-finding-himself