Adrian B

"Hey, remember this person from 25 years ago? We should look them up and she what she's doing! I'm sure it won't take any time at all!"

She might be, you know, dead. Or completely unreachable.

That's your immediate go-to? That he's a pervert? For fuck sake.

She has 30 seconds of screen time. She's fine.

I think Janey-E is far more nefarious than you. I'm not even sure she's real, or at least not in league in some way with Mr. C.

I also think if she found warmth or regret, she would have hated him forever. Because he utterly betrayed her. And if it was Dale in any real way, I wouldn't blame her for never forgiving him.

He said he saw him leaving the ICU where Audrey was in a coma. Richard Horne is at least 21, more than likely 24-25. And he's evil. And connected to the Lodge in some way. Too much coincidence.

At the same time, it was also played with an odd sense of relief…mayne not relief but carthesis, that this man who she at the very least respected who did some level of awful thing to her is NOT the man she may have thought he was. And so it wasn't the betrayal that maybe she's framed it as for years and years.

So I think it's safe to conjecture that Mr. C/Badcoop is feeling that BOB influence and raped both Audrey in the ICU and Diane. We need Dale Cooper back more than ever.

"99% of the cops murdering black males were on Obama's watch."

This is pretty profound .

Execution for existence. Execution for abiding by society's laws.

Luke's episode is completely unnecessary. Sure, it shows the journey and everything. But it's a really boring journey that made me want to watch Children of Men instead of this show.

Well, it's very much a forced regression.

It's a 32 year old book. There are no spoilers.

I vehemently disagree.

That's…really sad. Because that entirely misses the point of the work.

This is a perfect comment.

But we already know: she survived long enough to document her tale and then moved on. Having the mystery or puzzle explained is rarely satisfying (*cough* Prometheus *cough*)

Teams? This is exactly the fear I had coming true: The Handmaid's Tale being nothing more than YA fiction.