Adrian B

This is a dumb opinion! But no one will know I think this! And sounds pervade my space!

Before Kinja puts the nail in this site, can we talk about how stupid fidget spinners are? Holy shit. Its bad enough it's the new kid fad toy, but adults buying several and using them in the office is pretty absurd.


I was shocked to find there's a non-Roadhouse bar in Twin Peaks. The fuck?!

Is this show as batshit insane and fun as it sounds, or is it more like Under the Dome?

Haha your opinion is dumb and bad

That sounds fucking terrible.

The movie that's basically The Three from Adaptation only is should have been called The Ten?

I was talking to my wife about this and I'm resigned to Coop maybe never returning to his former self. The entire point of this continuation, all the tension, comes from the fact that we want Dale Cooper back. If he was back, regardless what else happened in the show, nothing else would matter. Coop is back and safe

BOB is already gone. He left in episode 8.

I can't believe the lack of discussion about this moment. My jaw dropped. I can't believe it happened. After everything that's happened the last 13 episodes, atomic bomb and all, this was the most patently absurd moment of the show.

I enjoy it so far, but much like First Day, it's not really very funny right away. Like there's maybe two legitimate jokes in this first episode.

How much singing and dancing is in the end credits?

"these emojis are halfway between Droid-designed purgatory and their vastly more popular Apple variants."

The revisionism has already started with this. I guess Joss really loved that sweep the leg shot from Wonder Woman since they use that EXACT SAME MOMENT here too.

So my point still stands. Dawn of the Dead was the exception to his career.

Age of Ultron says "look how fixed I am!)

The Columbine Killer crowd, of course.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that this movie will be garbage, regardless of who the leader is.

"Fool me six times shame on you…" - The people that, beyond all reason, are excited about this movie and think that THIS is the one where Zach Snyder finally stops being a shitty writer and director.