Adrian B

Alison Brie's nipples as a one-off character would be crucial to Vincent getting that part in a big movie!

Yeah, but if she didn't take her top off, how would Vinnie Chase and his crew run this city? #entourageadox

And? Kamp Krusty was rough, too. And people were burned at Sleepaway Camp and killed at Camp Crystal Lake.

This whole show, which I've been saying for years now, treats prison like a overly secure summer camp. It's far too silly and wacky for any of these fearful or authoritarian moments to take hold.

There are mentions of such resistance in the book.

He really should of just blamed Feig for making a pretty mediocre at best movie.

I'm telling you Allison, the writing's on the walls! We've been duped! Before you know it, it'll be revealed Nick's birth name was Neeta and as a child he was a kind baker boy!

This is such a poor review, mainly because the reviewer sees the world simply as "feminist" or "misogynist/sexist " with zero room for jokes.

As a dude, I'm super interested in these ideas…just not in this show. It does a disservice to Atwood's novel.

Hey, way to be a dick because someone didn't like an episode of a TV show!

That's…ridiculous. Racism sure as fuck existed in Atwood's book. Hell, it was basically apartheid.

I was also surprised they did an episode focused on not a woman. I'm surprised you didn't go into it more, as I recall you mentioning this over on Loser's Club. You kind of go into it on your penultimate paragraph (check out that alliteration!) But I definitely figured it would've bothered you more than that.

I profoundly disagree with this. The moment Offred shows up with an archery set, I'm done.

I don't know…with last week's ending that felt more like a generic TV show than the 99% that preceded it and now this episode, I'm beginning to worry about the direction of this show post-book.

I thought Lynch said it wasn't canon.


Jokes are usually funny.

You need to at least watch the 4 Lynch directed eps and episode 16 and the movie.

Revelation 6:8

I mean, outside episode 3, the first season really isn't all that great. Hell, I feel the pilot is pretty bad overall whenever any non-Pete or Cooper character is around.