Adrian B

Too difficult to watch? I mean, come on. Do people want to be challenged by anything anymore? Atwood sure didn't shy away from any of this stuff in her book, and for the most part, hers is even more intense.

Who would win? Malik, Shannon, the corner of the room, or the window to the side?

But you havent suffered through reprogramming like she did.

But that's how it would be. The show' s version feels like a borderline YA character in the previews. I'll find out for myself in an hour or so.

Looks good. My only hesitation is that Offred in the novel is so broken by the world that it takes a good amount of time for her defiance and rebellion to actively come out, whereas it looks like this show' s version of the character is much more willing to scrap and revolt. Makes it a bit less satisfying, but maybe

"If you live, you die. Birth is a death sentence. Death is natural and constant, life is the exception." - Nihilist Chachi

Also the sound of the air disappearing like in a vacuum.

I don't think it would be all that terrifying if it wasn't for the build up.

Lynch is great. I think his quieter, more human films like Elephant Man and Straight Story don't get enough love.

I'm (supposedly) a grown-ass man, but the Winkie's Dumpster Man or Woman terrifies me.

Psst: Nobody had grandparents die in concentration camps operated by dorks in green and yellow armor. The fact that many people like this comment is wholly bizarre.

Correct. A complaint is that Nick Spencer is a talentless hack. Outrage is a t-shirt for a fictional group is akin to actual Nazis

Because, I don't know if you caught because of how subtle it is, but the New Order are a stand-in for fucking NAZIS. It was pretty sneaky and not at all apparent, though!

So where's the outrage when people dress up as a fucking stormtrooper? Spencer's run is dumb, but this latest faux outrage is extra ridiculous.

Because he paid taxes. Quite a bit, actually. And can now point to it and say "SEE?"

In other words "No, I don't know."

Frank Miller doesn't act like an asshole when confronted about the fact that he can act like an asshole. It's almost like you've not read recent interviews with Miller.

Bayliss moved to FS1 a while ago, and almost half their programming revolves around him.

Yuuuup. And now John Oliver and Trevor Noah have replaced jokes with liberal self-righteousness. No wonder we lost the election.

Ouch! Take that, Santa!