Adrian B

And the thing is, most of the time, I totally agree with her, or at least see her point. But reversing the Fox pundit format doesn't somehow make it ok.

John Oliver. Loud self-righteousness stopped being funny a while ago. Oh conservative pundit Stephen Colbert, how you are missed.

He loves the 80s!

Just get to the fireworks factory!

I'm going to get grief, but man, Rachel Maddow and her smug, liberal -equivalent of Tucker Carlson grin. It's just as abhorrent as the Fox News crew. And that Trump tax bullshit was a fucking joke and just works as vindication FOR Trump.

Skip Bayliss. Easy target, sure, but holy shit.

Oh no! Not TV's Castle!

You say this like it's a bad thing. I've read Calvin's comics. They're great.

You mean dumb people? I mean, she should probably not buy Marvel Comics right now because the vast majority are hot garbage, not some made-up white person gripe.

This is sheer ignorance propped up as intelligence.

I mean, this is 100% incorrect.

Oliver Sava is Alan Moore's pen name, apparently. Why else would anyone go out of their way to white knight for the most sullen, crotchety man in comics?

Oh man, AV Club bringing back all the old crap articles and features no one read the first time around! Hey, memba Serial? Oh man, I LOVE Serial! Memba Best Buy? Memba Memba J?

Isn't saying "psycho Katherine Heigl" a bit redundant?

Does he discuss his best male friend, Dr. Armond, and the strange circumstances surrounding the murder of his wife, the lovely Shannon?

Mid-70s Bowie? Oh, Dad.

I hate Megan Trainor's excessively dumb, lowest common denominator music, but like most Hatesong interviews, the hater comes off way worse than the music they despise. Holy shit this dude is King Turd of Douche Mountain.

Here's my daily hyperbole dose. Thanks.

Last season was amazing.

It's a comedy show! Jesus Christ!