Adrian B

We play backgammon.

Congressman Powder.
"Kent has a much better job that jizz mopping, right Kent?"

"You're all gonna be sorry when I kill myself!"

This dumb chick would've been BFFs with Machiavelli.

You…you consider those jokes? For fuck sake.

A mosaic of stupid people around a stupid girl. This is garbage.

Holy shit this show. How is anyone giving this cliched, poorly written drivel anything more than a laugh and pass is beyond me. This is the 2017 version of ABC's After School Special, only even more self-righteous.

Avatar is a shit movie. If it's in your bottom five, you've not seen many movies. There are tons that don't even qualify as shit because that's offensive to shit.

D-War is the actual title. They thought American audiences would be confused so they spelled it out! Smart move, as the movie made 90 billion dollars!

It's ok! I'm not going to like everything!

Since there's no comments section there, I'm going to make it here:

How'd it happen?

You mean D-Wars, right? Or Dragon Wars: D-War? HAVE SOME RESPECT!

It's complete garbage thst actually starts strong and devolves into hot trash with one of the worst third acts I've ever seen.

Hot take, edgelord

I've never walked out of a movie, but I almost did on three:

Something something live long enough something villain brappppp

Hey, let's all pretend a Showtime program that had two or three solid seasons at first only to be completely run into the ground is a HUGE surprise.

It's nothing like Serial. For one, it has an actual ending rather than ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And it's, you know, good.

If Leaving LA was any more self-aware, we'd need to find John Conner in a hurry!