Adrian B

Absolutely it is.

"In my day job on our Newswire desk, I spend my fair share of time watching aging film and TV franchises try to knock the dust off themselves in a desperate effort to stay vital."

There's a bad guy in Dumbo other than racism? Huh.

Kelly is a weird dude, mainly because his insistence on a director's cut of a modern cult film washes away much of what makes the movie culty, with really really dumb and unsatisfying, definitive answers. It's no wonder he went to make The Box, still the worst movie I've seen in this new century: he's his own worst

To me, that will always be Serial's legacy: the ability to create hundreds if not thousands of Junior Woodchuck Detectives.

I don't know about all that, but I will absolutely agree that while I cannot defend it as a "good" or "coherent" movie that I still like it all the same.

I don't think it ultimately matters or we'll ever know. Hell, it's more likely it never existed. Life's mysteries are like that.

Shitown is a terrific listen.

The show, much like the comic, has crawled up it's own asshole so far that it escaped through the mouth, only to find another asshole and start again.

Bad business deals, too much editorial direction and oversight.

It's all garbage from z-list talent. Jason Aaron is the only thing keeping them afloat, now that Lemire is gone.

Maybe it's just that 95% of Marvel is unreadable shit right now?

There's still a huge distinction over possible but settled sexual harassment and a dude hitting a woman and openly admitting it and having seemingly zero contrition over it.

American Barbarian is terrific. Two Tank Omen, the villain of the piece, is a Sphinx man with tanks for feet. It's as ridiculous and stupid and awesome as it sounds.

American Barbarian. G0dland.

$48 for 16 mimosas?!

If you think that's "cringe," then every TV sitcom fills that role.

A non-Zwigoff Clowns movie? Pass.


You sound like a turd.