Adrian B

I find it odd that cartoons making jokes seems to get such vast criticism. On half hour comedy shows, it tends to be a pass fail situation: Did it make me laugh/Did I enjoy myself? The idea of having to explain deeper meaning in jokes is beyond me. They're jokes. You either get the meaning or you don't.

…it's a cartoon comedy show.

You think this show has a cringe factor? I guess I'm completely unaware, since it's not at the levels of shows like Office UK, Curb, Wonder Showzen, etc.

"She casually dresses in her old real estate blazer, pours not assuaged by Melissa casually dressing in her red real estate blazer, pours dog food for a dog that no longer exists, and takes an unknown pill from a pillbox."

All the more reason to make a Shang Chi show!

Best post.

This is exactly the point of Iron Fist: a white kid who grew up as the minority in K'un L'un and and learned the perils of privlidge and why he should use his abilities for more. I mean, why do you think he's a Hero for Hire?

"Having an Asian character proudly proclaiming their heritage the way Danny frequently does could have made the show a platform instead of a mere building block."

Always surprising to me when people haven't read great literature.

Speaking of actors who have run their characters into the ground.

Or it's white people trying to reappropriate something that Black Americans feel is part of their experience to achieve. It's just a badge of how inclusive and progressive you are for honkeys. It's something much more for the originators of the term

The single greatest moment is Louie Anderson's reading of "Oh my God." during the climax. It's also the greatest moment of his career. Sorry, Baskets.

Sega Genesis's X-Men defined my childhood in a lot of ways. It was far better than Mutant Apocalypse.

One work is not evidence. For bad Nick Spencer, check out his Secret Avengers arc, all of his Image crap, and his Captain America run!

Exceptions don't make rules.

Wait, Nick Spencer's a hack? *gasp* People are just now realizing this?

They've turned Moon Girl into a Mary Sue with this whole "#1 Smartest!" thing. Wasp dedicates a whole page to talking about superheroes writing fan fictionot, which is what 90% of Marvel reads like anymore. Just give us stories that have impetus instead of just relapsing title after title of "quirky women" books.

I really hope everyone did the same thing as I did and stopped reading after "Mad Max: Fury Road" and went to watch that flick again instead of finishing the article about whatever non-Mad Max: Fury Road movie this is.

This whole thing feels like an overproduced Italian porno without the porn.

Right. Most seemed to have bailed in favor of writing their own stuff at Image and making bank and being beholden to no one. It makes sense. It just sucks that us as consumers have to settle for the JV team both of the biggies have been mostly trotting out.