Adrian B

That's not a problem at all, seeing as the Ellis/Wood/Bunn volume was great!

Ultimately, nothing mattered. They built to something that never happened. And oh, Iceman was "full-blown gay" the entire time too. I'm not one to argue "rape culture" but apparently consent, physical or psychic, doesn't exist if you're an X-Man.

I unabashedly love Original Sin. It's a lot of fun and Deodato is terrific on art.

We call that "The Shrek Factor."

Cue 72dpi Minions memes!

I mean, did you see any of the Madagascar movies?

Then you remember that these are the same fucks who unleashed fucking Minions on us, and then it all makes sense.

This is worse.

Also: can Seth MacFarlane just fucking stop already? We get it. You wish you were Frank Sinatra. For fuck sake STOP.

I hate everything about this. This is a full on animated adventure in Trump's America.

The most affecting scene, for me, was the ending of Arrival, which is my #1 film for the year (with Nice Guys right behind).

I liked how subtle it was, actually. It's now canon that the Death Star's weapon system is powered by the same crystals that make up lightsabers. If that's not a big ol' fuck you to the Jedi, I don't know what is.

Irving was on a recent issue of Mighty Thor. I'd like to see him do a mini with Aaron.

They did start out good, absolutely. But the Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier is one of the worst X-Men stories I've ever read.

I think he's on for the long haul. Bachalo was originally supposed to be the main artist on Wolverine and the X-Men until Bendis basically stole him for his terrible Uncanny run.

Lack of Collateral Beauty is an outrage (not really)!

She did not politely follow up. The post reads as very sarcastic and shitty, intent or not. If I told you that what you wrote was not an "actual opinion," but a string of random sentences thrown together by someone writing in a public forum, I think you would not look at that as "polite" either.

It IS a big Internet, isn't it?

You know what's a great way to maintain readership? Berate them. And then question the validity of their opinions, that's always smart and great.

Black Widow is ok. Samnee's art is great, but Waid's writing is a step down from what Edmonson was doing with Notice. Moon Knight is a lot of fun, and way better than the Bendis iteration.