Adrian B

People has the same complaint of the first half of Hannibal Season 3, which was bizarre and excellent because of the direction.

Image is mainstream now, and there are far more Image titles that did not receive consideration that should. Dark Horse is mainstream. There was some of Rebirth, but holy cow was Rebirth a genius gamble for DC that should probably be discussed more, especially in contrast to bow shitty New 52 was.

Of course no mention of Harrow County. Or Black Hammer. Or Dept H. Or any of the other great Dark Horse properties currently running.

You had me Scioli and Gleason, but lost me with Glenpool! So sad!

Don't blame anyone for not reading Marvel this year, since most of what they're doing is garbage, but Jason Aaron's books remain bright spots. His Thor run is chugging along nicely and is still a great read, as is Star Wars, but it's a shame people are missing his terrific Dr. Strange run with the brilliant Chris

Unpopular opinion: Mr. Robot was a far better show this year than last, and last year was great. Got too heady, artsy, and weird for some, I guess. To me, it was the closest thing to Hannibal in terms of style and pacing we got this year.

It was garbage TV billed as "important!" "and "topical!"

Some? The show was the Emeperor's New Clothes of shows this year.

Oh, AV Club. Of course you fall for the garbage that was American Crime Story. It wasn't even the best OJ show this year!

#hottakes coming through!

What's odd is that I can already see AV Club putting Ross Kardashian OJ show in at #1, even though it was the Emperor's New Clothes of TV this year. It's a shame they didn't go with their original title "TOPICAL SUBJECTS THROUGH NOSTALGIA LENS."

This is a bad statement and you should feel bad for making it! [/Internetanger]

I mean, yeah, subjectivity and all that, but it's pretty bizarre (and perhaps just AV CLUB bein contrarian AV CLUB) but Skeleton Tree and Lemonade being left off this rings false.

Man, Michael McKean gained weight in a hurry!

This is better than the scrapped Dowd review which gave it a C+ for "effort."


I was really mad at the ending initially, providing this overlong, saccharine if not cynical coda to the whole affair that was completely unnecessary and felt as if it was supposed to be this weird victory for both characters, but it's hollow and cynical victory while pretending to not be. But after thinking about it

And yet, Outlander, with its copious amount of rape, is somehow forgiven and not mentioned at all. Garbage.

Ok. Doesn't matter. He was convicted of breaking the law and never served time for that conviction. He's a genius director and I love many of his films. But honestly, they shouldn't have been made as he should have been serving a prison sentence, the one he was convicted of. Even if the victim is now in a different

But he still raped her. And never did time for his conviction. That's wrong.