Adrian B

They should! Turturro is great!

But he still raped her.

No, please, explain jokes some more.

Unprecedented levels of nudity? When did the AV Club get replaced by prides? I mean hell, there was a clear vagina shot in Carnivale 10 years ago!

It's like a show trying to do what the PFFR crew does, only they're serious.

"…but Tandy-Rex is a funny look solely for the purpose of a funny look."


Polanski actually raped a girl. There's no proof Allen did any of the things he's accused of. There's a large distinction.

This was not nearly as good as AV Club feels like they need to insist it is.

Hahn was really the only highlight of this season beyond Tamworth typically excellent work. Just reinforced how the Pfeiffermans are the absolute worst.

Fair. They fall for what seems like self-deprecating when it's really Hot Mess "Love ME!" City.

"It’s easy to see why women fall for Josh."

Wow, if this is much better, the other seasons must be unwatchable, because this isn't very good for the most part.

Because all of it was really dumb and not worth insight?

This is why I don't usually watch this show. Terrible episode. The season has gone from interesting to goofy silliness to smart and interesting again to flat-out dumb.



About as convincing as Lena Done-Ham's apology to Odell Beckham!

It's scanned onto old VHS copies of the director's cut of Natural Born Killers!

This movie is hot garbage water for 12-year old edgelords. Though that's redundant, because it's known most edgelords are 12.