Adrian B

But they have a Black Lives Matter sign! In their window! Look at the difference they're making!

"Time for resist oppression. Donate money to my warrior business!"

Right. So it's not on them to, you know, develop a sense of humor or any marketing skills. But hey, conventional success like keeping a business afloat is white supremacy, so these warriors are resisting oppression up the ass!

Meh? She got major screen-time in one episode where it proved, yet again, how terrible Josh is. Whoopty shit.

With a dry, cool wit like that, I can be an action hero!

Look at Stalin of the English language in here!

Did you know that ANY reason to hate a song is an acceptable reason, not just because you think there needs to be a specific criteria? Isn't that craaaaazy?

Haha you jelly, brah? Yeah, you totally jelly.

The premiere was pretty good. Solloway made a smart decision by showing us Rabbi Hahn, Moira, and Anjelica Houston and completely removing the toxic element from the show that keeps me from absolutely loving it: those meddling kids.

2K16 reboot wackiness:

I always thought it was "They all fell victim to my dreaded Purple Nurple Jelly Belly!"

"Show 'em your awesome deltoids, Tad-Bill!"

I'm just shocked Judd Apatow hasn't weighed in on this and called anyone who disagrees with Dunham's false assertion of Beckham's non-existent male gaze a misogynist.

Whitey Whackers!


IT is the single best example of recapturing what it's like, in my head anyway, to be a kid again. The feelings, the irrational fears, the superstitions. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that King captures what it's like to have mastered or done something wholly unique for that individual for the first time

Counterpoint: No, it didn't. At all.

"David Cross on why his comedy tour pissed off people right and left"

It's not justified. It's the likely outcome, sure, but it's not justified. That's the point.

Very good flick. Saw it last night. You Shicky-G cats should try to go!