Adrian B

That's fair, but unfortunately for him, Dawn of the Dead '04, a truly fun and entertaining movie, seems like his exception and not the standard.

A decade of proceeding films. My evidence is stronger than yours.

Fargo should be here, too. Yeah, it was 2015, but it's so good it TRANSCENDS TIME/SPACE/REALITY/POWER(?)/MIND(??)/SOUL(?!).

Oh boy! A Zack Snyder movie! I'm sure that won't be hot garbage based on a decade of shit sandwiches!


That's actually very fair.

The joke's on you! This will be yet another Zack Snyder abortion as film!

Is it already time for the yearly "nerds get overtly giddy over a Zack Snyder trailer and in the process completely forget the last decade of shitty Zack Snyder movies" event?

BoJack Ghostman is a great title.

But we are getting more Trek, so no, it's not really disappointing at all.

No, sure, you're right. But to act like they are justified in breaking the kid's camera is pretty gross. Is it a "realistic" reaction? Yes. But for many commentators here, it feels like one that they celebrate, which isn't right either.

But the show was cheaper to produce and they got more episodes. Shows are where you can experiment with stuff. Movies gotta turn a profit.

Yeah, because we know long, contemplative Star Trek movies like The Motion Picture are the best ones.

That's not really accurate. It's more like "Blink-and-there-will-surely-be-at-least-10-more." And they're all stupid/lame/glorious.

Ok, cool. But that's not the discussion. The discussion is the way they handled Johnathan's picture taking was not only fair but justified. I argue that it is pretty fucking abhorrent, even if his snooping wasn't kosher. It's sad that the stupid person has to explain what the actual conversation is about. Good job you.

"No one’s more in on that “joke” than the mane character, though his self-awareness just fuels his self-fulfilling prophecy of misery." Hmmm…


So then you're an advocate of violence and destruction of property in the event of a perceived wrong?

This is exactly how I felt.

Did you block me yet?