Adrian B

Because I think punching people in the face for the reasons provided is a poor course of measure? It's sad that you feel the need to condone violence.

You're in your 40s. Time to grow up and get over your hangups on what happened to you as a teenager.

I'm hiding a deep sadness for you.

I am not, nor have I defended it. I'm stating that the response to his actions were just as bad as the action taken. And with context, the actions taken seem even harsher.

I'm just kind of sad for you that you can't seem to back down when you're wrong, that in fact, you double down when presented with other information. To you, these comments sections are clearly not a discussion but something you can loudly yell your opinions at, ignoring any other information or thoughts brought to

Internet Tough Guy/Gal! And then you would have been arrested for assault! Look at you, being all smart and shit! Make sure to punch the next person in the face who you feel morally wronged you in your day to day life, see how that goes!

So wait. You're making judgements on a story without all the information? Prosecutors must love you.

It's a television show. I'm not apologizing for anything as it's NOT REAL.

Man, life must be hard for you if you're still living out 1983.

No, yeah, double down on how you think destruction of private property is cool as long as you feel justified in doing it. In fact, since you feel so stupidly strong about it, test it out. Next person who does something you don't like, break their cellphone. Watch how that goes down.

Holy shit this is nonsensical bullshit. It's all discussed in-show and a resolution is reached. It was wrong for him to do, I guess. But the response is just as immature as you are.

Only 80s kids know!

You're quite insane. I hope you realize this.

They bullied him. They could have pressed charges for trespassing, but they bullied the kid instead. And the OP thinks it's cool, which is gross.

Yeah, because if you feel you've been wronged, don't call for the police, just bully someone and destroy their property! What a great lesson!

Bullshit canned answer. 11/22/63 and Bridge of Spies prove you wrong.

Only 80s kids know how to type!

It's even worse when people have the nerve to form their own opinions! Jerks! Just agree with the critic already!

I think it's used to display how dangerous these people CAN be.

Just tell people to keep watching.