Adrian B

Elsewhere in this asinine thread, there are people saying "It's such a long karaoke song!" This is bizarre. Most karaoke standards clock in at over 4 minutes. She's whining because she's obnoxious.

The lyme disease must have gotten to you, too!

Haha your taste in music is terrible.

Go fuck yourself, lady. Harry Chapin is a better musician and songwriter than you'll ever be (even though his wife wrote the lyrics on this one).

AV Club turned into a hardcore hot-take website so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Well, to be fair, AV Club does LOVE to talk about Serial (well, the first season, anyway) and How to Make a Murderer, the even lamer and more ethically shitty TV version of Serial, so really, it's your fault for, uh, pointing it out.

Get it? The rabbit poops. FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT.

Did you ignore the entirety of post? By default all web comic she are self-published Hell, Dave Sim has been doing it for 40 years, and even through being a wacko, he has more than 6k readers. Colleen Doreen, Kate Beaton before getting signed by D&Q, Charles Forman, the insanely popular (like, for real) Copra. Michel

Hugely popular books? I'm sorry, but that overstatement kills this article.

Leaders of self-publishing? That's a stretch. It was a stretch when AV Club said it and it's a stretch now. "Hugely popular?" In what context, exactly? Did it ever maintain the fanbase levels of books like Bone or Stray Bullets? What about even something like Homeslice, Hark! A Vagrant, xkcd, and many others?

I'm sorry, but you're the only one hurling insults.

Keep fucking that chicken.

This article is almost as bad as Pixar's Brave. #doubledown

I misread the first sentence, which informs the rest of the post. God forbid that happens, right? It's OK. Calling someone "outrage," and then meeting it with passive-aggressive bullshit is cool, as long as you're right, right? Because that's what important.

Well done. You went from "discussion" to "getting offended about someone else's opinion." You're internetting hard, brother.

Ok. I don't think I'm the audience for it either, seeing as I'm neither a child or a female. The movie's about mothers and daughters and the way they deal with one another, and while I can empathize, there's a connection I'll never understand.

Brave = "Let's see how many ways characters can release gases!"

I would rather see sequels instead of shitty efforts like The Good Dinosaur and Pixar's Dreamworks' Brave.

Get over yourself.

To me, it along with Gwenpool are great examples of why Marvel has sucked post-Secret Wars.