Adrian B

Do you feel better now that you got to be unnecessarily shitty?

right. Same with making the bookshelves collapsing on her. But I think she's seeing now, at the end of the season being placed next to her victim, that she cannot handle her problems like that anymore. That a greater change MUST occur within her. It's not enough to realize or feel guilty about something, but to rather

No, but it happened because of her, morally or not. That deserves reconciliation, which the writers have already started to touch on in the finale.

I don't think anything in this show is "random" though. I mean, it seems so, but Poussey's death is foreshadowed by her trying to get the next stage of life in order. The prison riot was foreshadowed by, basically, the entire season. Alex and Piper getting back together was foreshadowed by the audience knowing that

Problem there with all the baby stuff is that was last season. We assume in some ways that she's changed or grown since then. Nope. We've no indication of anything, since the character did fuck-all the whole season. I just thought it was a massive waste of an opportunity on an otherwise tight finale.

It's irresponsible to act like Suzanne doesn't have any responsibility to Poussey's death. Of course she played a part in it. That's what makes it all the more tragic and compelling. As much as Bailey and Caputo are going to have to deal with, Crazy Eyes is already dealing with it in her own way. And then, placing her

I did not understand why they chose bump on a massive log Daya to be the one to get the gun. She's really done nothing on the show and her character is essentially a plot driver for other characters as she has really nothing interesting to say or do and has been almost completely absent from mid-Season 3. I honestly

Nope. It's an aside. Just like most of their "look how timely and topical we are!" lines.

The whole "White Lives Matter" thing. And "Black Live Matter" DOES make an appearance.

Sad, but well-foreshadowed. The only thing I didn't like (which they've been doing WAAAYYY too much of this season) was the on-the-nose Eric Garner-esque way she died. It's absolutely the show trying to be TOPICAL and RELEVANT, and it took away from what was actually happening on-screen. Subtlety and nuance has never

That's cool you really like a YA comic so much, but honestly, the hyperbole in this is extremely off-putting.

You're fucking dumb if you think that's true.

That's a bunch of nonsense.

Ah yes, I miss Ianucci's sharp satire, like Jizzy Gillespie. Take THAT, Washington!

Sure you can. It's exhausting to hear about all the things people can't do.

Great season in the best comedy on television right now. Yes, it's lost a lot of the nuance and subtlety of prior seasons, like Jonah being called a bunch of names and everyone being huge piles of shit to each other…but somehow they overcame the change in show-runner and style of comedy to, well, continue calling

It's only half. Veep is about Selina trying to get something she wants AND FAILING. Even when she DOES get what she wants, it's not in the way she wants it. Like the Presidency.

Uh, because it's funny to see shitty people suffer? What show have you been watching these last five years?

He should be. He just finished a fantastic, hilarious season of television.

Did the TV hear you and change the show?