Adrian B

"veep is always about selina moving forward and trying to get something"

I just gotta say, looking back on this post and all the replies, look at all the hilarious jokes that were made here! Ha ha so many jokes! What a well of comedy these writers missed!

Some of the critics in the thread (and Kate Kulzick herself) should probably read this postmortem of Veep Season 5 with David Mantel that sums up a lot of the reasons that the things they seem to want (namely Selina to remain in the White House in some form or to get some kind of victory out of this season) are the

That's the show since day 1, homeboy. The ultimate fuck you to the fans? What the hell are you talking about? Selina Meyer is a shitty President and an even shittier human being/character, so no, I'm not looking for some big victory for her, especially not after her actions this season. She reaps what she sows.

The comedy is based on people calling another character "Jonad."

It was early!


Yeah, let's pretend this season was just awful.

Doesn't make things somehow better, though. Show was predictable this season, but definitely more entertaining than last.

I disagree. Just because you point it out and then make fun of yourself FOR pointing it out doesn't mean pointing it out is good writing.

Yeah, but they did it again with Black Lives Matter, which didn't start until about August-September of 2013, and it's supposed to be July/August 2013 in the show. They're throwaway comments that serve no purpose than to demonstrate how TOPICAL the show can be, which is fucking lame.

Lori seems like she's been in prison for a looooong time. I also don't think someone as paranoid as her would be using the internet. Again, it was a dumb forced joke by the writers that took me out of the moment.

She also has very visible mascara!

That Cosby line was a lame anachronism that irked me for some strange reason. There's no way that she would make this comment in approximately June 2014.

"We have to get back to camp!"

Season 3 is when they finally turned the prison into summer camp. I assume this season is good because the season arc is that they're fighting against the fat kid camp across the lake?

But that's not the metric. The metric was "The lady who was Vice President and is now President." that's what the title means. This is willfully obtuse.

"Sequel to a thing seemingly everyone loves? Eh." - A.A. Dowd.

This website hates it when a show is too busy being funny because they can't write their villages reviews about THAT.

Because the show is not called the Veep's Secretary, no matter how much you want it to be.