Adrian B

Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I like what I say? And I'm calm as a cucumber, homeboy! Your boy Kevyn needs more Bernie Sanders rallies to get these genius, original ideas!

Get pissed because you like Kevyn's shitty work!

I doubt Kevyn needs your help defending himself.

It's only been out for 10!

His name is Kevyn. It's not his fault he's a dick.

He spells his name "Kevyn" and had this quote "“I came up with the idea at a Bernie Sanders rally…"


Yeah but does it have a scene where Marcia Clark gets her hair did and there's an extreme close-up zoom on a hair dryer? No? PASS.

Jokes are hard! Get pissed, Pig Man!

It was definitely the only laugh in the trailer.

Are you white knighting for the Monkees? I can assure you that they don't need you to do that.

When I woke up today, I thought "Where are all the hot-take retrospectives on 51-year old shows that no one really gave a shit about in the first place?"

Whoa. Sway and away rhyme?! Washington and Watching start with a Wa?! ING IS USED IN MANY WORDS?!

Hamilton: The "hip-hop" musical designed to make white people feel better about themselves and minorities simultaneously!

This is a prank, right? I mean, Joe Blevins? That's clearly a photoshopped name! #fake #photoshopped

Yes. I'm clearly the one worked up who feels they have to step up and White Knight for a website. You're doing it, bro.

AV Club turned into Buzzfeed so gradually I didn't even notice.

Just like I posted in prior weeks, here's another review where AV Club criticizes sitcoms in general and criticizes what they want this show to be and not what it is. Great reviews of what amounts to be nothing, gang! Your BFAs in post-modern literary criticism have taken you to the top!

If this is life, give me a quick death!

Well, it's more noticeable when you went from Excellent to Good, as opposed to a consistent string of Hot Garbage.