Adrian B

Lin-Manuel Miranda, the man who took a Mr. Show joke and brought it to life!

You mistake this as sexism, when really it's criticism about the lack of diversity shown in AV Club's picks, which are the same stuff week in and week out. Big Issues sometimes gets it right, but not always. There's lots of great stuff that remains great that isn't mentioned in lieu of trying to make points that make

Oh look, female heroine. Oh look, gay comix. Oh look, mopey "autobiographical" shit.

This article is worse than Ross Kardashian.

Wsa it? Was it really? It could have use a lot more Ross Kardashian being bewildered by what racism is or the fact that O.J. DIDN'T DO IT, or that he's his friend or that courtrooms allow for defendants? What?

Mediocre episode. B is generous. It's more a C. Mainly because of its lack of Kar-dash-ians! The lone weirdo moment for the kids was one of them (probably fuckin' Khloe) saying "I can't find my shoes!" which pales to the prior two weeks. The show thrives when David Schwimmer is on camera, looking confused and saying

Amy Schumer is the female equivalent of Nick Swardson. She's totally bro comedy but then, out of nowhere, tries to get all feminist and pissy when the rest of her show is the lady equivalent of "MY DICK IS SOOO HUGE!"

This show is hysterically bad. I love it as junk food garbage like I love The Room, but it seems that a terrifying amount (read: more than 0) of people think this is legitimately good.

And rocket cars!

It's kind of gross how "excited" and "entertained" people are by this. Two people were murdered and the most likely suspect went free on technicalities and one of the absolute worst run courtrooms by a judge in the history of the justice system. Not sure what's really entertaining about that.

Linda's the best, King Trash Mouth.

You know what Carol was missing, beyond an interesting topic? Characters like The Bullet Farmer and Immortan Joe. Maybe if Carol had a few more War Boys in it, they'd have gotten a nomination or two more.

Crap film. Apparently your first sexual experience as a lesbian makes you an expert at fisting!

Sweet Head!!

Whoa. It's like you're blowing my mind.

What does this Wayne Coyne-level philosophy have anythimg to do with anything?

Man, you guys sure love these stunted growth stories. Three spoiled adults who insist on acting like kids because of the massive amounts of arrested development the each contain in themselves. You see emotion where you should see horror.

Clarification: I think there's a lot of shifty shit and clearly at least some form of wrongdoing by the county, but it's also funny to watch the internet OUTRAGE machine go to work.

Neither. They just make their case very convincingly.

No, sure, you're right. But it's just impressive to see HOW good at it this team is.