Adrian B

I like how that other article posted about pro-prosecution stuff, the comments section was filled with "DUE PROCESS!" and "this doesn't prove anything!" but on this article, with the little evidence provided (some of which is eye-witness evidence, which we know from watching this very show is not reliable), it's HE

Sarah at this point has become slightly tolerable. Josh is pitiable, mainly because his life has fallen apart and he can't quite figure out why, even though he definitely had a role to play with. Ali is the absolute worst. She floats through life, is now suddenly a lesbian, and just does whatever. She's going back to

Fuck 2016.

There's not much actual content to this essay, though. Echols recounts his story, everyone knows, and then recounts Avery's story, which anyone reading this would know, and then gives a nugget of thought in "this happens all the time." Really disappointing that there isn't more.

They moved it up from February 6? Awesome.

Yeah, it was surpassed. I'm a fan of the show but this last season was overheralded nonsense with the exception of the second to last episode, which was goddamn perfect and SHOULD have been the finale. The actual finale was a fucking joke, with Weiner putting a fucking Coke commercial in at the end and meaning it as

Fuck Mad Men.

"For a certain audience" is a nice way of saying "complete pussy emo kids."

Overrated garbage. Two kids have a fucking urine fight in this book and it's treated as if every kid does this. What the fuck?

That Burgess Meridith joke was absolutely terrific.

So…how about that "feminism" on display by Lucy? She's a psychopath, and she destroys everyone around her.

Great game. The bonus Chrysler Building levels were tough, but fun. The game is not built to maximize your character to level 99, unless you're a super nerd like me. If you do, however, you're treated to one hell of an OP Aya Brea.



"The new Star Wars movie is just OK, but have guys heard of this Walking Dead show?! It's a real nailbiter!" - A.A. Dowd

Joseph Campbell, you are not.

Yes. We shouldn't have nostalgia in this film. We should hope they're like the soulless prequels. Only 00s kids remember.

The band, who seems completely unnecessary for this impromptu town hall crisis meeting, playing Ray Patterson in and out with the Sanford and Son theme is by far the best joke in the episode.

Lando is fun. And Chewbacca is terrific.

It's gotta be Star Wars. For a licensed book to be this consistently great, you're nuts to think it's anything else.