Adrian B

Eh, it's not as amateurish as Funny Games. Haneke is a genius and a true auteur who can shock in very simplistic ways (his legendary flushing of cash in The Seventh Continent), but Funny Games feels, to me, like a Lars Von Trier movie. It's a student thesis, not a film. It's a dishonest film that's a giant prank on

Someone was actually paid to write this? FML.

American Horror Story? Really Caitlin? Was it also scary when you saw a BLACK CAT and a SHADOW?

Inland Epire just doesn't work for me on a lot of levels, which bums me out.

A lot of this licensed stuff should be great, but they get Some Dude on script and Mediocre Asshole on art EVERY TIME.

That art is terrible.

Trying to think of other puzzle-box films that actually work post-Mulholland Dr. So far I've come up with:

Good for you, Kitt Mueller!

The AV Club's lack of consideration of A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night is scarier than either of these flicks!

Glad you recognize!

Are we doubling down on The Babadook now? It was ok, not great. Let's calm it down with the hype.

damaged (IN SCRIPT!)

Doubling down: just because it's not classified horror doesn't make Mulholland Dr. any less terrifying.

Wow. Lots of overrated crap on here. The Ring? 28 Weeks Later? The Strangers? Seriously? We're clearly desperate for good horror that we raise up mediocre to bad as good.

"Then again, Emmy Rossum is fantastic"

A gorilla (read: man in terrible gorilla costume) touched Lizzie Caplan's tit and got sexual powers from it. You may think I'm overstating it, but I'm not: Lizzie Caplan became that gorilla's oxygen tent.

"This show used to be good. Now it's just kind of there." - Quote regarding every Showtime program.

Dumb review, mainly because the idiot critic takes a shot at Birdman for no purpose other than he's a pissy little troll.


Oh. I thought they'd finally published my Jimmy Carter fan comic.