
YAY! The Cards are too irrelevant to brutally mock now!!!!! It’s not really a victory, but it’s as close as St. Louis fans have had in some time.

Can I stop reading his book for work now?

I’m not saying I need sincerity. I just want a straight revenge play.

I’ve worked in law enforcement for 20 years. Sadly, many parents aren’t like you.  For what it is worth, great job. You took action immediately. This isn’t your fault, or hers.  I’m so sorry. 

Thanks for sharing this, I’m sure most of us would have no idea what to do if this happened to us or a family member.

If you don’t think he typed this post on one knee, you are crazy. 

Better than the “thoughts and prayers” most people sent.

This seems like incider information.

No such thing was intended, by the way. Hating teams in sports from purely political/historical perspectives sometimes really is fun. Rooting against someone is a part of what makes sports so great AND hey we can’t always be friends with everyone. I understand all the Russia hate here, but simply hope that you guys

Putin: *invades and conquers Croatia*

Oh wait, you mean THE Ohio State University. Yeah, I knew all about that stuff.

Now how am I to know which college football fanbase is the classiest?????

Can’t wait to see all the genius legal minds complain that ESPN is violating their civil rights and anti 1st Amendment.

The Shut-Up chrome extension is a godsend for sites with comments.

But you can also disable it temporarily if you want to peek behind the curtains on ESPN or Daily Mail and understand why the NYT’s endless litany of features and op-eds reaching out to Trump Country have been a colossal waste of travel reimbursement


Did you know that Toys R Us closed after adding stars to the giraffe? 

Recently realized that my next destination is a site that does not have comments, I will be lost... adrift...

I was a shitty commenter on Deadspin long before I worked here and I expect to be a shitty commenter here well after

“Let me just get in a Trump/MAGA comment on this completely unrelated topic.”

Wow that’s’d think they would just make the penalty for .15 large enough to encompass “both” crimes...that’s like if you killed someone, and you got done for murder AND attempted murder, cause obviously you had to attempt it first.