"A dress" - Calvin Klein

I got mine done yesterday! It’s funny because bright pink is no where near my usual style.

fantastic! go you!

Was feeling something different this week

In dire need of an escape from the news. So... SHOW ME YER NAILZ!

Markets himself as such an alpha male (barf) and is too chicken shit to deal with a night of ribbing at his expense. And you know if Russia had an equivalent of this dinner Putin would at least have the nerve to show up and poison some journalists. Trump is just going to slink away and tweet in a corner.

Leslie Jones should sit in as Trump. Doesn’t have to say a word. Just sit next to the comic and pout.

This is such a sad story #nojoking

John and Chrissy are very good at being famous. I love them.

Me too! I totally wanted to start every sentence with: listen here motherfucker!

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

i want to be that someone, rocky.

Not giving advice bc I don’t know your situation, but I’m doing the exact opposite. My kid is two and the last straw for me was realizing that she resorts to tantrums not just because she’s two, but because that’s what she’s seeing from her dad. I can’t raise her in an environment where yelling is ok, or one where she

Just sending you a hug and lifting you up in spirit. Your husband is clearly very awful, but you must be a wonderful mother. A really good mother is probably better than two parents when one is ... not okay.

We got into an argument while he was drinking and he hit me. My daughter heard me screaming and came into the room and he stopped. But I just couldn’t be that example that stayed after that. The thing is, he had psychologically abused and verbally abused me for years before. It got worse after I got sick with lupus. I

It’s not good for you to be miserable and really not good for your kid to see you miserable, unloved, or treated badly. I stayed for 10 years for my kid. I really wish I had left sooner because she is so much happier with us apart and she was really damaged by the dysfunction she lived in. Best of luck to you.

I was going to suggest that we do our own snowflake coloring book of Trumpanzees but then I realized it’s boring if the only crayon you get to use is white.


Right? Canadians are well-known for our politeness and we are not known for our conservatism (please don’t bring up Harper, we’re trying to forget).

You must be confused because those aren’t coat tails,they’re bootstraps! And she’s not riding on them, she’s pulling them up. Don’t feel bad, lot’s of people get these confused.

^ this. I’ll ride those coat tails then swear to jeebus there was no coat.