"A dress" - Calvin Klein

That looks great already!

Title 4, Chapter 1

Counterpoint: tax spray tans at 50% and let Trump pay for the wall.

I could swear they dated before too!!

Totally. I am ok with this relationship. They have received my blessings and may go forth in happiness. (Like they give a shit what any of us think, but nonetheless....)

I DID TOO! But I think that was Madonna we’re thinking of? (No offense to JLo)

I thought that too and then I realized that I was thinking of Madonna.

I totally feel like I remember this

why was this also my first though?

Didn’t A-Rod date Madonna at one point?


Edited because 8 other people also thought they already dated.

me, too. I was sure they had been together, but there is so much interchanging of “parts” I could be wrong. If they didn’t do the cutesey mash up of names, it would be helpful.

I need this added adjacent to the Derek Jeter herpes chart. They have shared DNA somehow, I’m sure of it.

I thought the same.thing.

The are the ying and the yang of each other.

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez make all the sense. I’m shocked it took them this long to get together.

Back when I was young, I did like the hairless. Now, I need a little hair.

This is probably the reason Trump is wanting to cut them-revenge for the time the coast guard stopped him from drunkely trying to fuck a dolphin on his yacht.

Now playing

If that’s the case, can I interest you in this compilation?