"A dress" - Calvin Klein

When I told my dad this morning he asked “which one is he, again?” I answered “the one that isn’t Bill Pullman”

I don’t super meal prep, but I make one giant crock pot meal a week. I’m ok with eating the same thing a couple of days in a row so it not a big deal for me. Tomorrow I’m making turkey meatballs in homemade sauce. Good luck with your meal prep!

I do this, too!

Thanks! I wish I could do clear or tinted, but they’d be a mess. Yours looks great, too!

I’ve never not bitten my nails so this is a giant success for me. They’re gel, but I’m still super proud.

I love that she’s been trolling trump since 2011. I also loved that video of her drunk where she kept asking John “are you mad at me?” I know that feeling! I am the master at drunk “are you mad at me”-s.

I just replied to seatonsatin (for a little bit more depth on my take), but the grocery part of your story is giving me major PTSD flashbacks to when I was growing up with my dad, and the way he treated us and especially my mom. I hope you’re doing ok! I know the jez community is pretty great and I’m sure others have

SECONDED. Seconded so hard. My mom only recently left my dad, who also had a short fuse (I’m in my 30s). Turns out he was undiagnosed bipolar for a loooonnngggg time(he was finally diagnosed around 12 years ago). Things were awesome when I was young, and they got progressively worse. He never physically abused us, not

It was infuriating with the double (and triple!) negatives. Obviously they’re trying to confuse people filling it out. I also answered “the president has not done this” for a few of the questions re: small bloggers and getting news straight from the White House. I almost had a rage stoke filling this out.

You let your kids run around Tim Hortans, don’t deny it!

Thanks for your reply. Like I said, I do agree with a fair amount of what you were getting at, overall. I think it’s unfair to pretend that children were never little heathens before ten years ago. Kids have been raised “poorly” (for lack of a better word) since the invention of children! This is nothing new. And

Is politeness reserved for conservatives now? I’ve had a job since I was 15, I don’t consider that to be purely a “conservative” value. Do democrats not have family values? I’m failing to see where anything you listed is reserved for “conservatives”. I’m more than willing to be corrected if I’m wrong, but I’m

Hahaha. Last night, I had a misread text issue so I’m probably a little jumpy when it comes to this today! Or maybe I’m way more awkward than I actually thought...

That was the joke :(

It was a predictable joke, but I thought it was ok. Maybe it’s because I think I’m so incredibly awkward after sex, this is fine with me!

Everyone is richer than someone else. Unless you’re Warren Buffett.

Are we saying “fit” now, as slag? #getoffmylawn

We took a trip to Cancun once. Other than that, I’ve only ever been to Aruba (as an adult) and Canada (on a class trip in 8th grade) - as far as “big-ish” trips go. I’m in my mid thirties (wow! Haha) and have yet to get another stamp on my passport other than said Aruba trip. It felt like we were constantly strapped

Did she...did she give that donkey a lemon? I glanced away for a second, and the donkey was...eating a lemon. I’m going to reserve judgement, but usually I get super excited for musicals and uplifting musical numbers and I didn’t get that from this - generally at least tearing up is involved, if not full on crying.