A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

My second-favorite thing Steve Austin has done, behind Rough Trade Ninja Warrior .

90's/early '00's teen movies that use Letters to Cleo are the best 90's/early '00's teen movies.


A realistic rendering of a woman melting would be pretty horrific, I guess.

Nah. Frankly I was scared it was going to go all The City and the Pillar at the end, but it goes in a much kinder direction.

Which was, in turn, based on some tabletop RPG campaign he played.

No, but settling out of court tends to leave the court of public opinion somewhat open for business.

No Andre Holland?

Because it wouldn't be a Goldman essay if there weren't one really unpleasant detail that looms too large over the rest of a rather enjoyable piece of writing.

Maybe it's just because I'm reading Gore Vidal's American cycle (Vidal himself is a scion of an political dynasty) right now, but I feel like we had actual dynasties nearer to the nation's birth. These two-generation things have nothing on them.

I wouldn't mind Chelsea sticking around. If nothing else, the leaks about what was going on around her mother's inner circle all indicated Chelsea was far more on top of shit than 90% of her mothers' advisors, and that half of those non-issue "scandals" wouldn't have happened if her advice had been heeded.

Where does Ana Gasteyer fit in? She's done some interesting stuff (and I'd argue Rudolph, Dratch and Wilson have, too).

I don't think it's weaselly. The verbal contortion is meant to shift the perception of what's being said from a personal attack to concern over or objection to a specific idea or action. They speaker is making a conscious attempt not to call someone racist or sexist while still expressing that they think what was just

Except for the ones that are about heroin or alcohol.

The future where Miles kills him on the steps of a blown-up Capitol Building is still in play at the end of CW2, yes? I just grokked that Miles's book has always had a lot of Hydra in it for a Spiderman book.

My biggest problem with IvX at this point is that there should be an easy compromise, but it's never even been discussed. If Forge's machine works the way they say it does, they can capture the cloud and then contain it in, like, a room or dome or something that the Inhumans can use instead of venting it to space. The

The only silver lining I can see is that I'm seeing a bunch of Jewish Americans standing up and asking "what the fuck do you think we meant by never again? and that's some positive breath entering a shitty world.

You just made me sad. I moved off Capitol Hill last week.

I don't care what anyone says, I like Shakespeare in Love.

If it's an Archie take with any smidgen of subversion to it, the Blossom twins are fucking.