A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Sabrina is only released on every other blood moon, but it is my favorite.

Octavia and Taraji are also acceptable, but they'd prefer it if you could get Viola.

I'm hot/cold on Nick Spencer, but I thought Hydra!Steve Rogers's speech from Civil War II: The Oath was appropriately chilling, even if it pointed out some of the disconnect with actually treating mutants as a direct minority oppression metaphor.

I loved that they took that speech half-sincerely, too.

I swear to God that was an actual episode of Boston Public.

The hot dog stands that spring up on every other corner on heavy bar-going nights on Capitol Hill/Pike and Pine all sling primarily this. Growing up on the Eastside (boo! hiss!) I knew them as Husky Dogs.

Yeah, I took it not as her being horrified by the music, but more upset that Sebastian was doing something she knew he didn't like.

Points for comic timing, though.

Well it can't be worse than writing some bizarre cross between Kyle Rayner and a cardboard cutout and calling him Hal Jordan.

I'm mostly just surprised this wasn't already stuck in development hell. I got the worst sense of deja vu at the headline.

This is the guy the girls always end up leaving for the dude with the dead eyes, right?

…he'd roll out of bed in the morning/
And throw on what he wanted and go?

The history of Russia is comprised of long periods of over-the-top monstrosity, punctuated by brief, decade-long periods of boredom. We just reached the end of a boring decade.

She gets a few reclamationist votes.

I'd describe it as sort of equivalent to the Desiree Armfeldt part in A Little Night Music in terms of what it requires of its leads. The non-ensemble numbers are written around the principals' abilities, minus the climactic number (where Stone pulls off the same trick Anne Hathaway did in the film Le Miseables,

I'd describe it as sort of equivalent to the Desiree Armfeldt part in A Little Night Music in terms of what it requires of its leads. The non-ensemble numbers are written around the principals' abilities, minus the climactic number (where Stone pulls off the same trick Anne Hathaway did in the film Le Miseables,

And even then, her willingness to kill is treated as a complicated point of tension with her role as a promoter of peace. The point of Azzarello making her the God of War wasn't that Diana is warlike.

I tend to be charitable toward him since seeing him in Red onstage with Alfred Molina. He was pretty damn spectacular in that.

I feel like there's not a gay man on earth who's not a maximum of 3 degrees of sexual separation away from at least one of the male dancers on the Corny Collins Show.

I would literally kill a man for Assassins Live! ("I did it so they'd make a live televised production of my favorite musical!") but I highly doubt it will happen.